I totally didn't want to get up again this morning but thanks to My Honey and my feelings of guilt, I did.
I got 25 minutes in on the treadmill.
No jogging again, just incline work.
I felt so great when I was done.
My Honey did some work with the weights.
What he did, I did too only with lighter weights.
When I got to the office, I went around and put a couple of valentine chocolates on everyone's desk.
After the chocolate delivery was completed, I weighed in and to my surprise I was down.
I have been snacking on not so healthy items.
I'll take it though.
BH received a flower delivery from her hubby for Valentine's Day.
Us other ladies took a picture and sent it to our hubbies.
JG called JH a jerk for making the rest of the guys look bad and My Honey asked if TL had sent flowers to her hubby, BL.
BN and JRA were teasing My Honey all day asking when Michael Buble was going to show up at the office to serenade me.
Wouldn't that have been wonderful???
He responded that he was wondering when Susan Boyle was going to show up to serenade him.
He's such a goofy.
Then at one point, JRA texted him to say he'd seen Box Car Willie going into my office with a box of wine.
Ha Ha Ha
They crack me up so much - where do they come up with this stuff.
My Honey was doing something rather romantic today though, he was listening to the La La Land soundtrack.
That counts right?
At lunch I picked up my niece so I could drive her around to make some Valentine deliveries.
She'd ordered this balloon arrangement online from a local girl.
I took her to drop it off to Mr H (her little brother).
I think he was excited to get it.
His buddy was there playing with him and he wanted him to be in the picture too.
His babyness is going away - it's sad that has to happen.
My thought niece.
She got this flower arrangement for Miss A.
Miss A was at school but we just left it there for her to get after school.
She also bought the same kind of arrangement for my mom so we stopped at my place next to give it to mom.
I had some lunch too while we were there.
We had picked up a little cat grass pack growing kit for ourselves and Miss M over the weekend.
My Honey had started growing the grass in our kit - it grows pretty fast.
We took the lid off so Paddington could investigate and he loved it.
I let him eat a bit then I put it away otherwise he would have eaten the whole thing.
Mom had some Valentine stuff she wanted me to deliver so I took it with me and after lunch I made the rounds.
I stopped back at my brothers.
Miss A was at dance so I didn't get to see her.
Mr H had something in his eye so he wasn't happy, definitely not in the mood for pictures.
I stopped at my son's place next.
Mom bought Baby F this cute little hippo/unicorn.
She liked it too.
Miss Z was there and she was showing me the chocolates that her mom had dropped off there earlier today.
She was a happy camper today.
I was getting great big smiles from her.
What a little doll.
She only likes me from a distance though, as soon as I held her she started crying almost immediately so right back to mom she went.
I don't want to traumatize her.
Miss H said she'd been really sick last night but she was starting to feel a little better now.
My Honey scrounged around last night and found some chalk board paint for me in the garage.
It was thick and frozen but My Honey added a bit of water and it seemed to be all melted and ready to use when I got home from work.
I got painting a couple of the boards JH cut for me for signs.
This is 3 coats of the paint.
It dried pretty fast which was awesome.
I printed out some signs that I like and I'm going to use the old fashioned transfer method of rubbing pencil lead on the back of the paper then outlining the words on the front and having the pencil rub off onto the sign to create a stencil.
This is my favorite of the bunch so I am going to start with it first.
I have some chalkboard markers that are white so I think it will look good.
I didn't have a chance to do it tonight though because we headed back to NCT's for more sign making.
We got some suede backing on a couple of the signs and we got the word attached to this sign.
We also got the frame we made from scratch put together and the wood pieces on it.
It will have to set tonight.
My Honey came over after work to help us and we were hoping to be finished tonight but that doesn't look like it's going to be the case.
I'm super excited about getting started on the other signs - I'm going to do that at home though.
Easier to work at a table.
Around 8:30 as we were finishing up, my son called me and asked if I could come over because he wasn't feeling well.
He was feeling like he couldn't breath and thought he might need to go to the hospital.
He sometimes gets anxiety and I think maybe his dad having a heart attack over the weekend has him a bit nervous.
I think he just has whatever Miss H had last night and sure enough, he got sick and felt a little better immediately after.
He was feeling a bit better when I left but I told him to call me if he needed me again, anytime.
When you have a baby, they are always your baby, even when they are 26 years old.
I headed home but saw My Honey wasn't home yet so headed back to NCT's.
He, BH and NCT were still there chatting so I went back in and helped clean up.
We headed home shortly after.
I think we are going to take a break from sign making tomorrow night.
I'm not sure when we'll get back to finish up but we'll come up with something.
Happy Valentine's Day from this cutie pie!
Her mamma posted these pictures today and I love, love. love them.
The dress is so pretty and that headband looks adorable on her.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!
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