Thursday, 7 February 2019

WCT for Appointments & Supper (Feb.6, 2019)

It is still super cold over here.  Brrrr.
My Honey drove me down to work so he could go gas up the truck.
What a man he is - I was totally avoiding it because I didn't want to freeze my hands off.
I weighed in when I got to work.
I was up a little.
I snacked on white cheddar popcorn last night, maybe more than I should have.
Coffee break was a full house this morning, we had to bring in extra chairs!
My Honey was doing some cleaning at home.
Professor Snuggles got himself a roll of tp and went to town.
My Honey doesn't stop him, he just lets him go at it and have fun.
Thank goodness I have a thing about tp and we always have tons of it at the house just in case.
He totally needs this shirt.
I worked through lunch then at 1:30 My Honey picked me up.
My mom had two appointments in WCT that we needed to take her too.
The first was for a haircut.
She's been seeing this lady for years now and she really does a great job on mom's hair.
After her appointments, we went to Mr Mike's for supper.
Mom's usual "smile" for me to take her picture.
Mr Mikes has been open here since November but this was our first time trying it out.
I was in the mood for an extra spicy virgin Caesar and it went down pretty smoothly!
I ordered a salad for supper.
It was pretty good.
Mom ordered a salad too.
My Honey ordered a burger.  It looked so delicious that I had to try a bite.
It was pretty darn good.
I felt like a treat afterward so we dropped mom at Walmart so she could grab a few things and we went to Timmie's so I could get a Red Velvet Iced Capp.
I know, it's pretty cold out there for an ice capp but it was really warm in the truck.
I was expecting it to be red but I think they just put red sprinkles on it.
It was underwhelming.
My Honey had to curl at 7pm so we didn't linger.
We got home just in time.
I watched some more This Is Us while he was curling.
I also snacked on pretzels which I felt so guilty about but kept doing anyway.
I will likely be up again in the morning.
It is what it is though.
No sense beating myself up over it, what's done is done.
I can only try to do better from here.
Ha ha - this made me laugh.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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