Saturday, 2 February 2019

Ladies Bonspiel Begins (Jan.18, 2019)

It's Friday, my favorite day of the week! Woo Hoo!!!

I weighed in first thing when I got to the office.
I am down a little which is great, I'll take it.

There were lots of us at break again.
I think it's a great for team building and BL was very wise to start it up.

I worked through lunch again trying to get a project completed.  It's sort of a manual of the different duties I do here at work so that if something happened to me, the next person in would be able to have a guide as to what to do.
Because I do so many different things, if felt like it took forever.
I basically spent the entire day working on it, barely left my office but I finished it right around 4 pm and I was exhausted.
I was very happy that it was done though.

NCT dropped by for a visit at the end of the day to chat with BH, SV and I.
Mary Poppins is playing in the theater in WCT and she wanted to go but I have a bonspiel this weekend so that will likely take up most of my time.

It was starting tonight and we were scheduled to curl at 7 pm.

I made a meat and cheese tray to take with me for snacks.

I also had just enough time to cook up a couple of pancakes for supper before heading over there.

Thank goodness for this sugar free syrup.

I added my snacks to the bunch that had already arrived, there was quite the spread.

The theme for the Bonspiel is pirates and I think the girls did a great job decorating.

We curled at 7 against a team from Slave Lake and they are a really great team, they usually win the bonspiel or come close anyway so we were kind of expecting to lose I think.

However, at the end of the fourth, the score was 6 to 0 for us and they quit.
I was surprised but thankful as well.
That meant our next game was tomorrow at noon so we could hang out for the rest of the evening.

One of the girls on another team just had a baby and she's breastfeeding so her hubby had the baby there for her to feed.
He is two months old but he was a premie and he was so teeny tiny.

Of course everyone wanted to hold him and he would just snuggle right in.

I normally hang around for the evening but I didn't sleep well last night and was tired so I left for home at 10 pm.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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