Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Proud New Owner of a Cricut Maker! (Feb.17, 2019)

I planned on having a nice, quiet, relaxing day today and that's exactly what I did.
I was looking at this sign and decided to outline the letters.
I think it finishes it off and makes it look a bit better so I'm much happier with it now.
I had a sudden craving for tuna casserole so I went to the store and picked up the ingredients I needed then got it all made and put into the oven.
I had a nice long bath and did some reading.
SV texted me to say she'd found the Cricut Maker at Costco so I sent her the money to pick it up for me.
I'm so exicted.

The tuna casserole was ready when I got out of the tub so I had a piece.
It was a little dry and under seasoned but it was ok.

I got busy online and started figuring out how to use the Cricut Design studio.
I found some free sign templates and some free fonts then I got a sign ready to go for when my Cricut arrived.
SV dropped it off around 4 pm and I could wait to try it out.
It came with all the materials for a sample project and I did it just for practice.
I was glad I did because it got me used to a few things.
Also, I learned that it actually draws too which I did not know.
It's an amazing machine and I just know it does all kinds of stuff that I don't even have an inkling of currently but I can't wait to start figuring it out.
Then I was ready to go ahead and cut.
Luckily I had some vinyl on hand.

Unfortunately I don't have any of the weeding tools so I had to come up with a solution.
I found a push pin and it did the trick but definitely wouldn't want to rely on it every single time.
I got the stencil ready to go.

I also had the foresight to pick up some transfer tape.
However, I didn't know that it came with different grip strengths and I had gotten strong grip.
It was super hard to get off but I managed.

The tools would have came in handy to get the vinyl off after I painted it too.
I used a knife and it worked.
I did a second sign right away.
When I pulled the vinyl off, it pulled off some of the white paint on the background so I used a qtip to fill some of the spots back in.
It was really noticeable so I ended up dabbing the whole project with the qtip so the touch ups weren't obvious and I really like how it ended up looking in the end.

I have four more signs ready to go now.
I'm happy with how they look.
Look at these two beauties!
Miss H posted this of she & Baby F and I love it!
My Honey got home from work a little late, he put a plate of tuna casserole in the microwave to warm up and before he could even have a bite, he got called back out to work.
I caught up on some more This Is Us and waited for him to come home.
By 12:30 he still wasn't home.
So I went to bed but I couldn't get to sleep until he finally got home at 2:30am.
What a long day for him.
I was happy to see him home, I worry when he's out there in the dark and the cold.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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