Sunday 3 February 2019

Survived Sleep Over (Jan.26, 2019)

Believe it or not, I had not too bad of a sleep even with the over crowded sleeping arrangements.
I did wake up super early and couldn't fall back to sleep so I got up.

I cleaned the kitchen, put away all the toys, got some laundry started, cleaned up the bathroom (I'd let the kids have a bath last night and it was a disaster) and I straightened up the leaving room.

Then I made myself a coffee and was just sitting down to relax for a bit before the kids got up when I heard little footsteps coming down the hall.
I didn't even get a chance to turn on the tv.
Oh well.

We watched cartoons while I drank my coffee and My Honey cooked bacon.

Then we made pancakes.
I made some with mickey mouse ears, I also tried making a flower for Miss A.
It turned out not too bad.

I gave them some of the meringue sprinkles to put on their pancakes too and Mr H just loved that.
He ate a lot of them actually.

The siracha is never far away no matter what the meal.

Yummy, I love pancakes and bacon.

My brother called to say that they had some kids coming over that they were babysitting for the day so he was going to come over at 11 am to pick up the kids.
So we got them dressed and packed and ready to go.

Before my brother arrived, My Honey did a little science experiment with the kids.

He did the baking soda and vinegar reaction.

He let the kids add food coloring to it and they just thought it was great.

Such an easy thing to do and so fun for the kids.

We were considering going to WCT but it was so windy outdoors, we figured the roads might be treacherous.

Instead we sat and watched an episode of Outlander then my brother texted to say that he'd heard the roads were good so off we went.
The roads were good, nice and clear.

We stopped at the Dollar store then got groceries at IGA because My Honey had gotten some gift cards to use there.
We forgot the cards though so guess we'll have to use them another time.

From there we went to Walmart and when we first walked in we saw they had a big section near the front taped off because it was all covered with water.
Things seemed business as usual other than that so we just wandered around and did our shopping.
My Honey tested his blood pressure so I did too.

It was better than yesterday. When they took it at the doctors office I was 140/80.

We had a cart full of stuff and where heading over to pay when the fire alarm went off.
They told everyone to leave the store.
We had to walk way to the back of the store by the electronics section to get by the water, it had flooded that much more in the time we'd been there.
So we left our cart and figured we'd go for supper then maybe the store would be re-opened and we could come back.

We went to Original Joe's.
I had a delicious virgin Caesar, extra spicy and I practically drank it in one sip it was that good.

Then I had my favorite dish of theirs, deep fried brussel sprouts.
They looked overdone but were still scrumdiddlyumptious!!!

I also had a salad - it was also super good.

My Honey had their noodle bowl.
It tasted kind of like pad thai - it was really good too.
Great meal!

Afterward, we drove by Walmart to see if they were open but they were still turning people away.

So we stopped at No Frills for a few things.
Ran into NCT there - she had come down to get paint.

From there we headed to the casino.
I put $15 in the machine, I played for about an hour.
I was kind of up and down but in the end, I didn't win anything.
My Honey spent $20 and left with $40 so it wasn't all bad.

It was 9 degrees when we got to the casino and it had dropped down to 6 degrees by the time we left so I was glad we left when we did.

The warm temperatures today had everything melting and there was a lot of water on the road.
When the temperatures get back to freezing, the road is going to be an icy nightmare.
It was clear for us the whole way home luckily.

My brother posted a picture of a lego tower he and Mr H built.
Mr H looks pretty proud.

We considered watching a movie but they don't seem to be working.
Not sure if it's the wind or what but they just buffer and buffer.
It's really annoying.
Instead we watched a couple more episodes of Outlander before calling it a night.

Love it when people have a sense of humor.

I've been disappointed in my grocery choices more than once come snack time!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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