Sunday, 3 February 2019

Pizza, Cupcakes and a Sleepover (Jan.25, 2019)

It was another cold, blustery, wintery day out there, brrr!

I weighed in when I got to work.
I'm down a little - woo hoo.

I had a yummy snack of grapes and cottage cheese for coffee break this morning.
It was so good.

I have a mole on my arm that has changed color recently.
It was kind of a bump at first, same color as my skin but now it's turning red so I really wanted to get it checked out.

I called to make an appointment yesterday and they just happened to have a cancellation today at 11 am so not long after coffee break I headed up to the hospital.

There was a student doctor there that saw me first then the Doctor came in.
Along with the mole/bump on my right arm, I also have another little irregular looking bump on the top of my left thigh so I figured I'd have them look at that too while I was there.

They figured they weren't anything to worry about but said they'd take them off and send them in for biopsy just to be sure.

I had to wait for them to do that after they saw all their other patients so I sat and looked at my phone for a long time.
Finally around 12:30 they came in to remove them.

They had to freeze the spots first and after that initial needle, it didn't hurt at all.
The one on my thigh they just covered with a bandaid but the one on my arm needed a stitch.
Then I was free to go.

They told me to come back next week and they would take the stitch out for me.
They figured they'd likely have the results by then too.

It was after 1 when I stopped at the house for lunch.

My Honey had called to see where I was and he had made me a steak salad for lunch so I had to drop in and have that.
It was really delicious.

It was 2 by the time I got back to work so the rest of the afternoon just flew by.
I texted my brother to see if the kids could sleep over and of course it wasn't a problem.

We planned on making cupcakes with them so I stopped at the store for icing to decorate them then I dropped by their place and picked them up.

My Honey had made dough for pizzas.

We planned on letting them make their own pizzas and they were excited about that.

I'd also invited my son and his family over for supper.

They brought Miss Z with them, she's such a good little girl.

Always so pleasant.

I actually got her to stay still for a picture too.

In fact, she was posing for me.

My Honey let each of them have a turn at rolling their dough out.

Mr H just wanted to roll all of the dough.

He was very serious about doing a good job too.
He put all the toppings on his own pizza and his was the first to come out of the oven.

Miss Z rolled one out too but we had to wait for a pan to put the crust on before she could do the toppings so she grew bored and wanted my son to do it for her.
She wanted to just be down playing with Mr H.

I think he enjoyed making the pizza as much as the kiddos did.

Miss A made her pizza next.

She had to put the toppings on in a design.

I help Baby F for awhile and she wasn't strange with me at all.
She was smiling and sticking her tongue out.
She was in a great mood.

We all were eating the pizzas as fast as My Honey could pump them out of the oven.

They were so delicious.

The kids were excited to be eating pizza they'd made themselves.

Baby F started getting tired soon after and was fussing a little so I had to give her back to her dad.

That serious look though, ha ha!

It was pretty darn good pizza, Baby F looks like she wants to partake as well.

Miss Z really loves my son.

It's so adorable to watch her with him.

Baby F had a one track mind - pizza.

Still has her eye on it.

She was all smiles.

We had cooked up some cupcakes before we started the pizzas and they were cool enough for the kids to decorate so we let them go at it.

Mr H's decorating method was one for the cupcake, one for him.

He loves decorating cupcakes and cookies.

Kids love sprinkles.

I think they enjoyed it.

Mr H and Miss Z have the same idea - put all of the icing on one cupcake then cover it with as many sprinkles as you can.

Just an example of the fine work.

Then the best part - the taste testing!

They finished up then went back to playing.

While they were decorating, Baby F and I were playing.

Not long after, my son and family left home and we got things cleaned up then found a movie to watch.
Gnome Alone.

This is the position the kids deemed comfortable.

Unfortunately, I don't think it was the most comfortable position for My Honey.

It was cute but Mr H wasn't really interested in it and I was falling asleep so I convinced him to come to bed and My Honey and Miss A stayed up and watched it.

We let the kids sleep in our king size bed with us even though we knew it would likely mean we wouldn't have a very good sleep but we knew it's part of what they were looking forward to.

It does feel that way.

Not much gets me going but this - VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!

This made me chuckle.

There is always a different way to look at things.
Seriously though - I may never climb Mt Everest but I do hope to accomplish things.

Sometimes I think the bacon is totally worth it.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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