Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Quiet Day (Feb.18, 2019)

 Even though today was a holiday, I went in to the office to work.

I had a cinnamon raisin bagel before I went in.
It was delicious too!

So I ate before my weigh in which I don't normally do.
I've not been eating very well so I wasn't expecting a loss anyway.

I tried one of these mid morning for a snack.
I like the bacon, cheddar one better.
I was the only one in the office so it was really quiet, time just flew by.
I ran home for a few minutes to give NCT the signs I had ready to go and I grabbed some leftover tuna casserole to take back to the office with me for lunch.

It was pretty darn good - I think I liked it more today than yesterday.
NCT got her hubby to put frames on the signs she'd picked up from me and she sent me this.
They look pretty good - I'm super pleased with how they turned out.

I did some cuddling with Paddington before I had to head out to curling.

Isn't he just the cutest?
I stopped at NCT's on my way to curling and she told me that a lady from town had passed away this afternoon from a massive heart attack.
She was only 60.
I feel for her family, how heart breaking.
It really makes a person stop and think about their lifestyle and what changes they should think about making.
It was our last night of curling for the regular season and we won so that was nice.
The game ended a little early and that didn't hurt my feelings at all.
I saw this on Facebook - what a cute idea!
My Honey was home from curling when I got home but he was super tired from his long day yesterday so he headed straight to be.
I went shortly after but made sure to set an alarm for 12:15 am so I could get up and check us in for our flight.
Off to Miami tomorrow, yahoo!!!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

Proud New Owner of a Cricut Maker! (Feb.17, 2019)

I planned on having a nice, quiet, relaxing day today and that's exactly what I did.
I was looking at this sign and decided to outline the letters.
I think it finishes it off and makes it look a bit better so I'm much happier with it now.
I had a sudden craving for tuna casserole so I went to the store and picked up the ingredients I needed then got it all made and put into the oven.
I had a nice long bath and did some reading.
SV texted me to say she'd found the Cricut Maker at Costco so I sent her the money to pick it up for me.
I'm so exicted.

The tuna casserole was ready when I got out of the tub so I had a piece.
It was a little dry and under seasoned but it was ok.

I got busy online and started figuring out how to use the Cricut Design studio.
I found some free sign templates and some free fonts then I got a sign ready to go for when my Cricut arrived.
SV dropped it off around 4 pm and I could wait to try it out.
It came with all the materials for a sample project and I did it just for practice.
I was glad I did because it got me used to a few things.
Also, I learned that it actually draws too which I did not know.
It's an amazing machine and I just know it does all kinds of stuff that I don't even have an inkling of currently but I can't wait to start figuring it out.
Then I was ready to go ahead and cut.
Luckily I had some vinyl on hand.

Unfortunately I don't have any of the weeding tools so I had to come up with a solution.
I found a push pin and it did the trick but definitely wouldn't want to rely on it every single time.
I got the stencil ready to go.

I also had the foresight to pick up some transfer tape.
However, I didn't know that it came with different grip strengths and I had gotten strong grip.
It was super hard to get off but I managed.

The tools would have came in handy to get the vinyl off after I painted it too.
I used a knife and it worked.
I did a second sign right away.
When I pulled the vinyl off, it pulled off some of the white paint on the background so I used a qtip to fill some of the spots back in.
It was really noticeable so I ended up dabbing the whole project with the qtip so the touch ups weren't obvious and I really like how it ended up looking in the end.

I have four more signs ready to go now.
I'm happy with how they look.
Look at these two beauties!
Miss H posted this of she & Baby F and I love it!
My Honey got home from work a little late, he put a plate of tuna casserole in the microwave to warm up and before he could even have a bite, he got called back out to work.
I caught up on some more This Is Us and waited for him to come home.
By 12:30 he still wasn't home.
So I went to bed but I couldn't get to sleep until he finally got home at 2:30am.
What a long day for him.
I was happy to see him home, I worry when he's out there in the dark and the cold.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

Monday, 18 February 2019

Family Dinner (Feb.16, 2019)

I had an appointment in WCT at 10 am to get a pedicure in preparation for flip flops next week.
I asked mom if she wanted one too but she did not - she did want to go shopping though.
So she and I headed for WCT at 9 am.
The roads were snow covered so it was slow going but I dropped her off at Walmart and made it to my appointment right at 10 am.

They took me right away too - I didn't have to wait which was nice.

I wasn't going to go for shellac but did in the end.

I went for the pale pink again, I really like it.
I met mom at Walmart and picked up some stuff that I needed.
Then we got some McDonalds for lunch and headed right back home.
We were home by 1:30 - that was a quick trip!
The first thing I did was get some laundry going then I grabbed my current book and headed to a bubble bath.
It was nice to relax in there and I soaked in there for quite some time.
While I was soaking, NCT sent me a text.
They were in the city and saw the Cricut Maker at Costco.
It was $100 less than anywhere else I'd seen it so far so I texted her back right away to pick it up for me but they were already gone.
So I texted SV who was also in the city and asked her to have a look for it for me if she went to Costco.
She said she was going there tomorrow so hopefully this time tomorrow I'll be the proud new owner of a Cricut.
I decided that I wanted to have everyone over for supper so I texted them all and invited them.
Then my brother and son had a job come up so we cancelled until tomorrow but they also had a job then so we went back and forth a bunch.
In the end, their job for tonight got cancelled so dinner was back on for tonight.
After my bath, I spent a bunch of time trying to get NCT's Cameo Silhouette to work but no luck at all.
I think I've given up.
I made another sign using the pencil stencil method and I used a regular marker I had this time.
I liked it better than the paint marker but still think a real stencil would look better.
Am so hoping I get the Cricut tomorrow.
Everyone made it to the house around 6 pm.

Mr H had new slippers he wanted to show off.
The toenails on them light up which was really cool.

Miss A did her own nails and she was proud of them.
She did a great job.

I made a sheppard's pie which is my family's favorite.

I was making this a total easy clean up for myself by using disposable dishes.
My brother was dishing up for himself and the kids.
Mr H wasn't really sold on it.
He agreed to eat some of the potatoes but skipped the hamburger and cream corn.
It didn't set up the way I wanted so didn't look very appetizing on the plate but it tasted delicious.
My brother enjoyed it!
Everyone was hanging out in the living room.

Everyone was able to make it too which was nice - usually we are missing a person or two.
Baby F and her serious face.

My pretty Miss M.

I think everyone enjoyed the meal.

My SIL and Miss H.

Miss A!

Got a really nice smile from mom.

Baby F and I hung out while everyone ate.

I could not get her to crack a smile no matter what!
What a poker face!

I had some chocolate cake hanging around so of course Mr H wanted a piece for dessert.

There wasn't much left by the time I got out my camera.

When the chocolate cake is oh so good.

Got to shovel it in there as fast as possible.

He was in chocolate cake heaven.
We got a few games out to play - we tried Guesstures then we played some Pictureka.
We had fun.
I suggest we start doing a family game night once a month.
We'll see what happens.

When My Honey got home from work, the magic tool box appeared and the kids picked out a toy each.

Baby F still wouldn't crack a smile for me.

No matter what I did!

Mom even tried but no go.

Funny girl.

We tried a selfie.

Still a no go.
Everyone left around 9 - it was a nice evening.
We called it a night not long after everyone left.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!