Tuesday 16 April 2019

Winter Has Made a Reappearance! (April 15, 2019)


Continuing to move a little in the right direction.

Can you believe this?
Winter is back and I don't like it, not one bit!

I made clam chowder for supper.

Couldn't even get them to look up for a picture, the chowder was that good!
Ha ha - just kidding.

I don't normally add crackers but did today - I think I put too many, I enjoyed it more without.

We played some cards.

Nothing like making yourself the center of attention!

My brother stopped by with Mr H.

He was being super shy again.

It took a while for him to warm up to everyone but before long, except my Uncle A, he took a liking to him right away.
This was all over the news today.
It's kind of sad to see something so iconic destroyed.
It wasn't a complete loss though and they are planning to rebuild.
I'm grateful that we got to see it when we went to Paris.

Love all this stuff.
Rustic white is my new fave!
Cute shirt.
I believe it doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you are going.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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