Monday, 8 April 2019

Taco Thursday is a Thing, Right? (Mar.14, 2019)

Getting up early in the morning to work out hasn't gotten easier so far but I'm still doing it!
It's all thanks to this guy.
If he didn't get up in the morning to work out with me, I would talk myself right out of it.

I got a good 30 minutes in on the treadmill.
I did a few weights too.

Having a work out done is the best feeling!

My weigh in this morning.

This is a charm I picked up in Miami as a souvenir of our trip and I just got around to adding it to my bracelet.

My Honey made avocado toast for lunch and it looks so good.
It's been so long since I had some, I miss it.

My son was off today so I made him an appointment to see the doctor about his anxiety.
His vehicle isn't working so I drove him up there.

They gave him something so I hope it helps.

I had invited them over for supper last night so after work I stopped at the store for a few ingredients.
I ran into my brother and Mr H there.
They were picking up stuff for supper too.
Since it was so nice out, they were having a bbq.
It really was gorgeous out there today.

I got home and cooked up chicken for fajitas.
I cooked it in the oven with peppers and onions then I cut up some lettuce and green onions and got all the toppings ready to go.

I held Baby F while they all ate.

She really likes the phone - I think maybe because she can see another baby on there (which is of course her)!

Miss Z came too.
She wasn't interested in having a fajita but we did talk her into having a PB & J sandwich.

Nice to see my son looking happier today.
I was trying to take pictures of everyone without food in there mouths because I seem to have a knack for capturing that.

It didn't go se well as you can see.

Guess maybe the food was so good that they couldn't stop eating.
Yes, that's what I'm going to go with!

Meanwhile Baby F & I hung out.
She hung with me for a really long time today without crying.
I can't wait until I can have her over for a whole night.

She did eventually want to go back to her daddy.

Then she was happy again.

I took the opportunity to make myself up a fajita.
It was pretty good.

I picked up this chair off the local online Buy & Sell the other day for $5.00.
I thought it would be good to have in my house for when they visit, save them from having to haul a bunch of stuff around.
She tested it out and she loved it.

She's just about too big for it already though. 

My Honey arrived home after we ate and Miss Z was thrilled to see him.
No wonder, he always is so patient with the kids and always comes up with great things for them to do.
He had picked up this paint book where you just have to add water and presto, instant paint.

She loved it and so did it mess!

He found another project for her to do and it wasn't as clean but I didn't mind because she was having fun.

She is such a good natured, happy little girl.
She's a joy to have around.

She's trying really hard to crawl, she just hasn't quite gotten the hang of it yet.

Then it was time to get ready to go home.

I gave them a drive home around 8:30.

Afterwards, I did kitchen clean up and then hit the hay.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy! 

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