Sunday 28 April 2019

Vancouver Via Via Rail! (April 19, 2019)

The train was scheduled to leave this morning at 9:37 am.
They suggested being there a half hour before departure time so we left a little early so we could make a stop at Tim Horton's for some breakfast on the way.

Everyone loaded into the cab and we were on our way.

Mom got the comfy, roomy front seat.

There is the station.

Just having some breakfast at the train station.

We checked in our luggage then waited.
The train was right on time.

They had these seats set aside for us right across the aisle from each other.
The G family sat here.

Mom sat on the other side.

With My Honey and I.

And we are on our way!

The train is so much more comfortable than the plane, so much room, even a footstool to put your feet up.

Mom was smart and brought her blanket - I forgot mine.

My Honey & I.

Everything is really brown out there right now but still fun to watch the scenery as we go by.

Mom moved to the seat behind us so she could have a nap

So I stretched out and made myself comfortable.
We stopped last night and got lots of snacks for the trip.

Enjoying the scenery.

Someone else decided to have a nap right away too.

Imagine how beautiful this would all look when it's all green.

Mom & the G Family went to have supper in the viewing car so I went to visit them.

They said their meal was pretty good.

It's a pretty great view from here.

This is looking down into another of the dining cars.

I knew we were starting to get close to the mountains when I started seeing the rivers.
Normally they look much bluer but this time of year with the run off from the melting snow, they look browner and dingier.

There they are - the mountains are just so majestic and stunning.

This train trip is so worth it for the scenery alone.

Some of the mountains look baren.

Others have trees growing all over them.

I do think the snow capped ones are my favorite.

Seriously though - what a view!

This is the one I saw last time I was in Jasper that reminded me of an eagle.

We arrived in Jasper ahead of schedule.

We weren't schedule to leave Jasper until 7:30 so we had a few hours to walk around and enjoy Jasper.

Auntie A and Uncle A.

We were all looking forward to a bit of exploring.

It was overcast but still a lovely day.

The train cars we were travelling in.

First stop was for ice cream.
I picked Spicy Mocha Latte.

It wasn't really that good.

We checked out a few of the touristy stores then we found a place to have some supper.

We picked Jasper Brewing Company.

We got seated just in time because the place just filled right up after we sat down.

I was telling everyone a story about how my co-worker SG and her hubby came here and did an 8 km hike out to a cabin and right at the same time, they walked by the window of the restaurant.
I banged on the window trying to get their attention but they didn't see me.
(I did text her to let her know it was me).
How ironic.

Mom & I.

My Honey & I.

I was in the mood for chicken wings - they were kind of on the skimpy side but they tasted ok.

I got the calamari as well - it wasn't that good.

My Honey had the ramen - it was just ok.

They had date cake which was their version of sticky toffee pudding so I had to try it.
It tasted good but was a bit on the dry side.

We did a bit more exploring.
It really is a beautiful town.

This guy was walking around with a teeny puppy looking out of his back pack.

Imagine having this view every day - I'd never get tired of it.

The G Family posed for a picture.

Had to make a Timmie's stop before getting back on the train.

If you see a big bear, the rule is that you have to get a picture with it.
That's my rule anyway.

Then it was time to head back to the train but we did have time to stop and take a few more pictures in front of the mountains.

You can see the viewing car there.

The train trip crew (less My Honey & I)

Jasper really is a nice town and it's not that far from us - we should try to get out here more often.

Back on the train we go.

Each car had a Via employee there to greet us and welcome us on to the train.

The rest of the Jasper crew.

We were treated to a view of some Elk as we were leaving Jasper.

They weren't bothered by the sound of the train at all and just carried right on eating.

Now we are really in the mountains - can't get any closer than we are going to get right now.

There was still quite a bit of snow up in the mountains.

We had a few hours to enjoy the scenery before it started getting dark.

The sun setting over to the right was casting a beautiful glow on the mountain top.

One last picture before it got dark.

We just went economy so we didn't have sleepers but our seats were comfortable enough to sleep at.
My Auntie picked up some fuzzy socks for me in Jasper which I was so thankful for.
I only had flip flops and I don't like my feet being cold at night.

I picked up a book for myself at the train station.
They had used books you could buy for a donation.

I finished off the book I was currently reading - Spring on the Little Cornish Isles.
It was a good read - I enjoyed it.

Then I started the new one I had picked up - Sundays at Tiffany's.
It sounded good so I thought I'd give it a try.

We pretty much all settled in once it got dark.
I also was able to buy a blanket on the train for only $5.00.
It was big enough for My Honey and I to share.

Sleeping on the train wasn't as comfy as a bed but it was ok.

My cousin posted this shot of she & her dad at Maggie's yesterday and I love it.

There she is at Anchor D making friends with a horse.

Looks like the Easter Bunny came early to this cute chick!

My son updated his profile picture on Facebook and I love it.
Look at the big smile on Baby F's face.

He posted this sweet picture of he & his honey too.

This made me chuckle.

Ha ha - kind of true.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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