Friday, 5 April 2019

Hanging Out With The Kids For The Day! (Mar.2, 2019)

I had a really good sleep last night so when My Honey got up to go to work, I felt well rested and got up too.
The very first thing I did was run myself a bath.
I've been looking forward to having a nice long one ever since we got home from Miami and I haven't had the chance until today.

I didn't even make a coffee first, just grabbed my book and jumped in.
I ended up having probably the longest bath of my whole life - 3 hours!!!
I had to add hot water twice and it was getting cold again when I finally got out.
I stayed in there so long because I was nearing the end of my book and I just wanted to get it finished, which I did.

I don't know if I cared for how it ended, I like things to be wrapped up neatly for me in my books but at least it wasn't a horrible, unhappy ending.

All in all, it was an interesting read, lots of interesting characters.
After my bath, I made a coffee and some toast then I got busy making signs. 

I found these blocks of wood that were kind of rustic looking and they were $3.00 a piece so not a bad deal.

I had five of them and I just wanted them to be very simple.

After I stenciled on the word, I did some splats of paint in different colors.
I think they turned out pretty good.
BH was busy over at her place making stuff too, she sent me pictures of the cool stars that she made. 

She just made them with end pieces of other stars that she and her hubby had made.

She painted a couple of them - I think they turned out great.
I took a break and made some marshmallow cereal treats.
I also made meatballs - not sure how I'm going to use them yet, either sweet & sour meatballs with rice or spaghetti.
I got them in the oven to cook and I'll decide later about the sauce.

Later in the afternoon, my brother texted to say that the kids really wanted to come for a visit so I told him to bring them over.

They went right for the "magic" tool box and Mr H found some toy worms.
Hard to tell from his expression whether he liked them or not.
Miss A picked a recorder.

They were just full of energy today and I wasn't but we managed.

I gave them the bath bombs I'd picked up for them in Miami.
Of course Mr H wanted to use his right away so I let him.

It looked like a Hershey's Kiss and it was chocolate mint.
It didn't really smell like much but maybe that was the cold talking.

The bath kept Mr H entertained for a bit and I was able to get a some laundry folded and put away.

I also sat for a portrait.

Miss A wanted to draw me and she had mapped out exactly what she wanted to do.
Very organized!

 I think she did a fine job.
I made sure she signed it so I can frame it and put it in my office!

They wanted to do science experiments so we made volcanoes.
That was pretty quick so then we moved on to making play dough.

I found a recipe online but didn't really read it all the way through as I probably should have, just started mixing everything together.
It called for vegetable oil which I could not find anywhere so I subbed in mineral oil.
I could have used olive oil but I was afraid it would change the color.
Next it called for Cream of Tartar which I thought we might not have but a quick call to My Honey solved that.  He knew we had some and he also knew right where it was.

Then I got to the part in the recipe where it tells you that you have to cook it on the stove.
Ha ha.
I dumped everything from the bowl into a pot and luckily it turned out.
I made lots and it was pretty good too.
I split it into 6 portions and put them each into their own baggie.
The kids each got three and I let them pick which food color to add to each of their bags.
Then you just had to knead it right in the bag to work the color in.

That kept them entertained for awhile.

Then we moved on to attaching clips to our noses.

Mr H started it but Miss A had to try it out too.
He tried it a second time.

Then he decided that it actually hurt, ha ha!

I ended up going with spaghetti for supper.

Silly supper selfie!

Mom joined in the picture taking fun.

Mr H just wanted spaghetti noodles with nothing at all on them.

He was shoveling them into his mouth and ate every last one that I gave him.

Miss A had hers with the sauce & meatballs

As you can see, she enjoyed every bite!

They were getting anxious for My Honey to get home and he was late again but arrived right around 7:50.
He gave them the things he'd picked up for them in Miami.
Poop that you sling around - they weren't impressed.
He also got this pig you pass around like a hot potato, it hums and then it farts and the person that is holding it when that happens loses a point or whatever.
We just passed it around between us and mom played too - the kids would burst out laughing when the pig farted, it was funny.

I was able to fit in making a couple of signs today too.

I got the stencil finished for this one.
I was able to get it painted too.

My brother came for them just after 8 so they didn't get to see My Honey for long but at least they did get to see him.
It was a nice visit but I was done out afterwards.

Found another cute idea online for a sign.

My Honey and I watched a bit of tv but we both hit the hay fairly early.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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