Monday, 15 April 2019

More Birthday Celebrations! (April 14, 2019)

I was scheduled to pick up my van rental at 10:30 this morning so at 9:30, we left mom and the PEI visitors at the hotel and my brother, Miss M and I headed over to get it.
It was in downtown Edmonton so by the time I picked it up and went back to the hotel, about 2 hours had passed.
Miss M headed back home with my brother and I went back to pick up everyone at the hotel.
We made one stop at Walmart on the way home so I could get some groceries.
It started raining and that turned to sleet, then slush and finally to snow as we were arriving home.
The ground which was just clear and dry yesterday is now covered in snow again.
My Honey had put a ham in this morning and I got to work making some scalloped potatoes.
Everyone was coming over for supper today to celebrate my birthday and My Auntie A's. 

Baby F is still not feeling that well and she still has the most serious facial expressions that just crack me up.

The visitors!

My boy and his honey.
They've had a tiring week with Baby F and I can see the worry on Miss H's face.
I sure hope she's feeling better soon - she seemed to be ok while she was here today.

Miss M and Mom.

Just could not get her to crack a smile.
Mom and my brother.

She had a little pony tail and it was just the cutest.

Getting warmed up now - I see the beginnings of a smile.

Ok it ended up being a little crooked grin instead of a full on smile but it was hard work getting it and totally worth it!

I have to get a bigger table.
It only seats 8 so we ate in shifts.

Mr H was being shy because there were people there that he didn't know.

In fact, he was giving me the stink eye!

Miss A broke out her best lipstick for the occasion.
Seeing a little grin from Mr H now.
It took him a little longer than usual to get warmed up and talk but once he started, there was no stopping him.
Waiting for our turn at the table!

At my request, My Honey made a Tres Leches cake for my birthday cake which I shared with my Auntie A as today was her birthday.
She and the kids blew out the candles.

I have still been very mindful of what I've been putting in my mouth - the mantra "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels" is always running through my mind.
However, it was my birthday and I did request this cake so just had to have a piece.
Everyone stayed to visit for a while and I invited them all back the next two nights as well so they could visit with our company too.
Love this!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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