Monday 8 April 2019

Craft Sale Day (Mar.9, 2019)

My Honey and I were up early so we could pack and get ready to go to the city then we went down to the community center for the pancake breakfast.
We invited mom to come along but she didn't want to.

It was a pretty great breakfast for $5.00.

SV and her hubby were already there and had eaten and BH & JH got there just after us.

The craft fair table was all set up.

Our signs looked pretty good I thought.

My SIL arrived with the kiddos after I'd eaten.
My brother had been called out to work so he wasn't there.

Mr H being silly.

Then right away, Miss H arrived with her mom, Baby F and Miss Z who got busy playing right away.

The kiddos were more interested in playing than eating.

She had some cute little overalls on today - and her serious look as usual.

Lots of people were showing up for the breakfast - it was nice to see.

I gave her the keys I'd picked up for her in Miami and a few other things too.

OMG - I just love that little face so much!

The keys kept her entertained while mom ate breakfast.

We visited a little then we had to get on the road.
We had an appointment in Drayton Valley to get the truck serviced at 1 pm.

We ended up being a few minutes late but not too bad.
We dropped off the truck then walked over to Walmart to shop while we waited.
The car dealership was closing at 2 so we didn't have to wait long.

We picked up a new cd to listen to for the drive into the city.
We were just rockin out to the 80's tunes.

We went to the Kebab House for some lunch when we got to the city.
It was really busy - even more so than last time that we ate there.
I think they are doing well.

They brought out bread and dips for an appetizer - it was free.
The owner/manager was there and he was going around talking to everyone.
He dropped by our table and told us thank you for coming out, hoped we enjoyed our meal and if not they would refund us, get us something different - whatever to make us happy.
I thought that was super nice.

I like the décor in there.
They have this water fountain wall which is really neat.

I had the Fatoush salad.
It was heavy on the vinegar which I just love.
I also had a chicken kebob wrap.

My Honey had the chicken schwarma plate.
I love the white garlicy sauce they have on it.

After we ate, we made a few stops for shopping.
We hit up Old Navy, Homesense and Michaels.
We considered going to a movie but Captain Marvel was all sold out for the early show and we didn't want to do a late show so instead we went over to the casino.

I did not bad for only putting $20.00 in.
I played down to $150.00 then took my money and ran.
It was only 7:30 at that point but we decided to head to the hotel anyway.

On the way we passed the German restaurant that I like and I had a sudden hankering for goulash soup so we stopped in.

Haus Falkenstein.
It's just up from Mayfield Common.
The menu is limited because they specialize in schnitzel but it's really good.
They keep it so nice and clean in there too.

I had my soup and it was delicious.
Just like what I had in Germany as a child.

My Honey got a half order of schnitzel with mushroom gravy.
It wasn't a lot but it was exactly enough.

From there we headed to the room, watched some tv and called it a night.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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