Friday 3 August 2018

Netflix Kind of Day! (July 8, 2018)

I woke up when My Honey left for work again this morning and I just got up and made a coffee.

I like having that time in the morning to myself.

I found a new show on Netflix that I really enjoyed.
Big Dreams, Small Spaces.

The show is about this gardening guru, Monty Dan, who goes to people's homes and gives them a hand designing then creating their dream gardens.
It is set in England and each episode features two gardens.
The Monty fellow seems to be quite the famous gardener over there.

There are only six episodes and I ended up watching all six through out the day.
There was everything from Japanese gardens to English country gardens, tiny space gardens and sensory gardens.
It was a great show and really got me wanting to get working on a garden design of my own.

Unfortunately we don't have the best gardening environment here, the growing season is short and frost can come literally any time of the year.

It's something to think about for future though.

These guys had a pretty chill morning too!

I picked up this little shelf for 3 bucks and I wanted to paint it white for the baby's room so I got to work on that today.

It took a few coats but I think it's looking good.

I want to add some purple or yellow to it but I packed my paint away in the back of the closet in my office and I really don't feel like hauling everything out to get to it.
I think I'll wait until we go to the city this weekend and pick up a bottle.

Then I'll get it finished up - I might add some flowers or something, we'll see.

These guys were still hanging out together - I think I disturbed them when I took their picture this time though!

I cooked up a couple packages of chicken for lunches and suppers for next week.
I also cooked up some quinoa and made a quinoa salad.
It was quite tasty and I was happy with it.

I cooked up corn on the cob and when My Honey got home he cooked up some minute steaks for us to have for supper.
It was delicious!

We watched some tv together before getting to bed at a decent hour.
I want to get up early in the morning and work out.

Not a very great day for stepping today.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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