Sunday 5 August 2018

Telus Science Center Visit (July 28, 2018)

We hit up our usual spot for breakfast, Tim Hortons.
We got breakfast bagels, oatmeal and coffees.

They had a new Oreo Iced Cappucino so of course I had to try that.
I just got a small though.

It was so nice out that instead of eating inside, we put the tailgate down on the truck and sat there to have our breakfast.

I changed it up from my usual 12 grain and went with the sesame seed bagel today.

We decided to go to the Telus Science Center to see the dinosaur exhibit and watch the Panda movie at the Imax but we had a couple hours before the movie started so we did a bit of shopping first.

I had to get a few things at the dollar store which I did.
Then I went to the Party Store to find a giant bow for a gift at work.
Another fellow is retiring and his going away party is on Tuesday.
His gift is too big to wrap but I at least wanted it to have a bow.

We went to Homesense because it was close and it's my favorite.
I ended up finding a few things there.
A couple wreaths, a couple fake plants and a suitcase!

I wanted a suitcase that would be easy to spot but I also wanted it to have double wheels.
It seems to be well made and I am really happy with it.

From there we headed to the Science Center.

They had these giant flower arrangements outside so of course My Honey had to stop and smell the flowers.

They always have great exhibits and movies here.
This is what is currently going on.

This guys was right outside the entrance and he moved and made noises which was really cool.

I will have to remember this next time I am getting irritated with being in a line too long.

We went to the dinosaur exhibit first.
I think dinosaurs are so fascinating.
They had big dinosaurs that actually moved and made noises.
They were so cool.
They are so big, it's hard to imagine what it must have been like when they were roaming the earth.

They also had fossils and bones and lots of interactive stuff for the kids.
The science center never disappoints.

It has never occurred to me ever that dinosaurs might have had fur or feathers for some reason.

This is not like any dinosaur I've ever seen before.

I kind of love seeing dinosaur bones, I find it very fascinating.

The little guys.

There sure were lots of different kinds.

Maybe its because of Land Before Time (my son loved that movie when he was little) but this guys strikes me as a friendly sort.

This guy on the other hand, not so much.

Just to get an idea of how big these things were.

This looks like Blue from the Jurassic Park movie.

T-Rex and his little baby cousin.

Wonder if these two were buddies?
Likely not.

Another little guy.

There were a bunch of just the skulls on display.

Just the skull is half the size of my whole body.

Look how big that jaw is compared to My Honey.
It could eat him up in two gulps.

The teeth in these things are crazy.


His arms look kind of short.

Another gentle giant perhaps?

So much interesting information and they seem to be learning new things all the time.

They had these cool dinosaur bone puzzles for the kids to put together (or anyone really that wanted to).
I looked at the gift shop hoping to buy one but they didn't have any.

They had a little area that you could dig for bones too.
Really cool.

The main attraction.

His little sidekick.

Looks really weird if you ask me.

A furry, not so freindly looking fellow.
Honestly, I am not sure if I am buying the whole furry look.
Just doesn't seem right?

There were lots of people out taking in the exhibit which was nice to see.
I think we are all fascinated a little by these big beasts.

Me & T-Rex.
I wouldn't be smiling if I met this guy for real, that's for sure.

This is the same fellow we saw on the way in, just from the other side.
Apparently they are discovering that what they thought before was a horn may now be part of his nose.
I just think that it is so amazing that they are able to figure out how all these bones they find go together.

There were some dinosaur puzzles on display in the gift shop.

They had little teeny ones for sale but I wanted the big ones.
I am going to have a look online and see if I can order them from anywhere.

On the way out of the exhibit, these university students stopped us to see if we would take part in a study.
We had to listen to words then on a screen tap yes or no depending on if we thought it was a real word or not.
We both agreed to do it.
I had to take a picture of our result because I beat My Honey for accuracy and I was kind of rubbing it in a little.
The girl told us that we did very well and that I was sitting in 1st place overall for accuracy out of everyone that had done it today.
My Honey had beat me in speed though and that put him ahead of me in the overall standings for accuracy and speed combined so that put me in my place, ha ha!

It was just a friendly competition and I was just proud of both of us really for doing so well.

These were my results.

My Honey's Results.

The overall results.
He is in 4th place and I am in 7th.

We headed over to the movie next.

It was a documentary type movie, about 40 minutes long.
It was about Pandas in China and how the wild population is diminishing and scientists are trying to figure out how to reintroduce captive born pandas back into the wild.
There is a fellow in the US who has been rescuing black bears and reintroducing them into the wild and he has been very successful so they were collaborating.

The story centered on this one Panda, Qian Qian and how they worked with her to get her ready to release into the wild and how that goes.

I enjoyed it and learned a lot from it.
I think movies like this are so informative and help to make us more aware of things that are going on in the world that we might not ever know about otherwise.

We made a Costco stop next.

We saw this car on the way so we had to stop and get a picture of it.
I forget even what kind of car it is but My Honey was impressed with it.
There also happened to be this nondescript diner across the street that we never would have seen had we not pulled in to take a picture of the car so I guess it was fortuitous.

My Honey looked it up and it has great reviews so we are going to try to hit it up next trip to the city.

We made a stop at Costco to pick up a few things.
The main thing was a chicken pot pie for Miss H.
She is craving it and I want to make mama and baby happy so I got one for her.
I had to make a Walmart stop but first we stopped at Famosa in Spruce Grove for some supper.

Of course I had an extra spicy virgin caesar.
We each ordered a pizza.

I got my favorite, Cavoletti and it was so delicious.

My Honey got the pepperoni and mushroom which he liked but not as much as his regular choice which I am sure he will switch back to next time.

We got a few things at Walmart including some plants that were on sale.
There always seems to be a hail storm early in the summer that destroys any plants we buy so we waited a little later to pick some up this year.
They didn't have much left so we really had to scrounge to find good ones but they were on sale for 50% off the lowest price so it was worth it.

When we finished there, I really wanted a hard ice cream and I found a place in Stony Plain that sells it so we went to check it out.

I have never seen it before and it is a cute little place.

I am not sure on the significance of the dinosaur bones but it makes it stand out I guess.

They had these little skeletons all over.

I had Mint Moose Tracks and Coconut Macaroon.

They had lots of seating to sit and enjoy your ice cream which was really nice.
I am sure we will be back.

From there we hit the highway and headed for home.
We got everything brought into the house and put away and it was pretty much bed time by then.
I had the suitcase on the bed and I was unpacking it then someone decided it looked like a great place to have a nap.
Paddington cuddled right in there and probably would have stayed there all night if we didn't have to move it in order to go to bed.

It was a nice day in the city but it's nice to be home.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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