Tuesday 14 August 2018

Shop Til We Drop! (August 11, 2018)

Today was going to be a day full of shopping.
Since we happened upon all these sales at Homesense yesterday and the sales girl told me that all the Homesense, Winners and Marshall's are clearing out summer stuff to make room for the fall stuff I feel like I want to hit up every store so I don't miss anything!
Good thing My Honey doesn't mind going to Homesense.

I also want to pick up stuff for the baby shower I am planning to have for Miss H.
I was going to come up with a theme but I think I've settled on Pink as the theme so I am on the hunt for all things pink.

We had the usual for breakfast - bagel belt's with bacon at Tim Horton's.

He was just texting his buddy BN making supper plans for us so it wasn't anything too serious, definitely not as serious as he looks, hee hee!

We stopped at Princess Auto to get a metal rod.
My Honey is going to weld a portable tv stand for me.
I like having it up hanging but don't want to put it back up on the wall.
It is such a pain to get it up and you have to put so many holes in the wall.
I want to be able to move it without all that fuss.

We also stopped at the discount store where I ended up getting a couple of prizes for games at the shower, a gorgeous set of King size sheets for my SIL for her birthday that just passed and a couple of Valance scarfs for a steal of a deal.
I got a red one and a white one.
They are 216 cm long and I figure I can use them at Christmas time for decorating.
I saw this sign when we were checking out and while I didn't like the artwork itself, I did like the saying.

Next stop was Homesense in Mayfield Common.
This is just a wooden frame with a burlap back drop and metal words pinned on.
I picked up some words just like this at Hobby Lobby so I thought this would be something I could do with them.

This is a pet couch.
If it had been a different color that matched my house at all I would have seriously considered getting it for my dolls.

We shopped around a few stores, I found some great deals.
We shopped around St Albert mall for a bit then walked over to Famosa to meet BN and his sister, JM.

My Handsome Honey.

He ordered his favorite, Vesuvio.

I got my favorite, Cavoletti.

Excited to be having some pizza.

JM - she is so fun and always has great stories to tell.
I really enjoy spending time with her.
She and BN shared the Thai Chicken pizza.
I'd not seen it before but I love bean sprouts so it looked really good to me.

BN laughing as usual.
He's almost always happy and laughing about something.

BN is a lot of fun too - he loves to joke around and instigate stuff (all in fun).
They went to the car show in St Albert this morning and he bought a ticket on a car that he is convinced he is going to win.
He is pretty lucky so you just never know.
It would be nice to see him win though so just putting it out there into the universe.
He sold some tickets for a $2000.00 WestJet voucher to My Honey so lets just put it out into the universe that My Honey is going to be the winner of those.

We hung out there and chatted for quite a while but then we had to take off around 5:30.
My Honey has been eyeing up this office chair at Costco the last couple of months, he goes and sits on it every time he goes there.
He just spent a bunch of time cleaning and organizing his office (which looks great by the way) so he finally decided that he was going to buy it this trip.
It was closing at 6:00 pm so we rushed over there to get it.
We made it on time and we were supposed to stop at Walmart before heading home but I was so done with shopping that we decided to skip it and headed straight home.

We stopped at  Tim Hortons in Westlock and I got an Oreo Iced Cappucino.
We also hit up No Frills and I guess I was feeling rested because I wanted to check out Giant Tiger too.
I am glad I did because I found a few things there, my favorite being a pug shirt for $7.

As we pulled into the driveway, Ipad came running from I don't know where.
I think he knows the sound of our truck.

Mrs Zazzles showed up out of nowhere as well.
I'd put the house keys in a bag in the back and it was underneath all the shopping we'd been doing so we had to unload everything onto the step until we found it to unlock the door.

I found these towels at London Drugs today for $3 a piece.
Such a great deal.
In hind sight, I should have picked up all they had - they would make great Christmas presents.
I found a pair of these at Homesense.
They were regular $25 on sale for $9.
I am not sure where I am going to put them but I couldn't resist them - I just love that blue color.
Then I also found two of these hanging light fixtures that I really liked.
I don't know where I will put them either yet.

They were also a great buy so we just got them and I know we will find a use for them sometime/somewhere, even if it is in our place in PEI.

Found a couple pillows on sale, 2/$15.00.
Another one I like was $30 for just the one (I didn't get it) but that just shows how great of a deal

This is a bag full of pink goodies.
I got napkins, cups, plates, table cloths, balloons, bows, ribbon, string, candy and a few other various items all in shades of pink.
Not hard to tell that pink is my favorite color and I am jumping on the opportunity to exploit that!

I even found a Maeve Binchy book that I've never read before at the dollar store.
She is my favorite author so I am pretty excited about getting started on this one.

I got snacks too.
These were supposed to be for our drive but I couldn't find them in the truck amongst all the stuff we had so now I'll just save them for another time.

I found a new kind of Oreo cookie so I had to try them.
They tasted pretty good.
I had a couple on Saturday night but on Sunday it was back to eating only healthy stuff.

I also found a few kinds of chips I'd never had before so of course I had to try them.


Grilled Cheese.
I had a few of each Saturday night for a treat but that was it.
They tasted ok - nothing that I would run out and buy again in a hurry.
I was texting my SIL today from the store to find out what size Miss A was in now.
I found a few cute little outfits for her since her birthday was last week.
They've been away in BC for a couple of weeks and they are just on their way home today.
My SIL sent me a few pictures of the kiddos on the trip.
Mr H is looking so grown up.

Aww, such a little cutie patootie.
I can't wait to see them when they get back - I've missed them.

I didn't get a workout in today but my step total for the day was not too shabby.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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