Wednesday 15 August 2018

Weigh In Day (August 13, 2018)

It was back to work for me this morning.
I weighed in first thing and I was so disappointed.
267.4 lbs.
I am almost back to where I started.
I had a few treats on Saturday night and I didn't work out on the weekend but Sunday was the only day that I didn't hit the 10,000 step mark so I was surprised to see such a high weight.
I am not going to let it get me down though - I wanted to give it three months and I am still going to keep on trucking.

It was looking nice and clear out today after all that rain we had yesterday.
The smoke is totally all gone.
It was a lovely day for a walk.
I wanted to get as many walks in as I could today.

I am wearing my new pug shirt I picked up on the weekend.
I just love the pattern and on top of that, it is nice and light and breezy.
An awesome find!

I just love summer - I don't ever want it to go away.

There are some very pretty wildflowers growing along the lane to work.

What a difference compared to Friday.
You can see all the way up the hill.
It's a pretty fantastic view.

I had leftovers for lunch, chicken, shrimp and rice.
It was ready to go and that is what I love!

I got a nice long workout in.
I was very random again today.
I was able to jog at 5.0 speed for 2 minutes in a row about 3 - 4 times.
However, I was having this issue where my feet would go numb and tingly.
It would happen when I would run/jog at the 5.0.
It felt like I was running with a block of wood at the bottom of my leg.
It kind of scared me.
I googled what it meant while still on the treadmill and I guess it's kind of a common issue and there are lots of different causes.
I didn't want to push the issue so for the last 25 minutes, I moved the speed to 2.7 and did the incline workout instead.
Ramped it up by 1 every minute then back down again.
I don't allow myself to hold onto the rails and it ends up being a really great work out too.
I just want to be careful and not injure myself just when I am getting back into the swing of things.

Proud my work out is all done!

Way to go me.

Meanwhile, My Honey has been busy all day building this tv stand out of scrap wood for our living room.

He is just so talented.
I think it looks great so far, can't wait to see the finished product.

Paddington was keeping a close eye on us.
He really wanted out.
My Honey lets him out the odd time but he stays pretty close to home.
I don't like to let him out, too many coyotes out around and I don't want him getting used to being outdoors.

This is what he does when he wants to go out.
It makes me giggle.
I am pleased with these totals!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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