Saturday 4 August 2018

The Rough Life of a Cat (July 25, 2018)

It was nicer out today, felt like summer again.
It goes by so fast I have to make sure I really enjoy it while it is here.

I was busy this morning so it went by fairly quickly.
Lunch was left over chili.
I have 4 containers of it and I don't want to have to throw it away so I am going to try to get through it.

I watched some Nate & Jeremiah by Design at lunch.
I don't know if it's just me but the prices they quote for things getting done in homes seems really high to me in comparison to some of the other home decorating shows.
I don't know if it's because of where they are of if they are using high end contractors (and materials)?

Oh well, I liked how the place turned out, they had this awesome stove which it should have been at a price tag of $8000.00.  It was yellow and I never thought that I would like a yellow stove but I did like this one.
I didn't like it with the other colors they had in the house but I think if everything was white and then you had this cool stove it would look awesome.

This afternoon went a little slower.

SV, SG and I were discussing weight loss and how hard it is.

I am feeling kind of hopeless in that area recently, like I will never get smaller but will just continue to get bigger and bigger.
I know what I have to do, but doing it is another matter.

I have no idea why.

SV said that one of the places in town is looking to become a consignment of sorts and that I should make some stuff to sell there.
It got me a bit excited.

I love creating and crafting so I think I am going to maybe do that.
Even if I don't sell anything, getting back into making things will feel great.

My Honey had to work part of the day today then he headed on a boys trip to Barrhead with JRA and BN.
So I had chili for supper again.

I also stopped at the store on the way home because the last couple of nights I've been craving something sweet.
I picked up some cookies.

I know, not what someone who is trying to lose weight should pick up but there it is.
I felt guilty about it the whole time too but I did it anyway.

I got a blog post finished and posted so I was happy - felt like I actually accomplished something!

Then I chilled on the couch and Professor Snuggles actually cuddled up to me for awhile.

Paddington was looking pretty comfortable beside us too.
Oh the life of a cat is rough.

When My Honey arrived home, we checked out the prices to fly to PEI in the fall and they've gone up a bit since the beginning of the week so we just went ahead and booked them.

A whole bunch of my family was supposed to be staying at this convent turned hotel but so many people were cancelling that we called that off.
Instead, a smaller group of us are renting a cottage on the beach for a couple of days and I am so excited.

I can't wait to go home and see everyone!

My Honey is excited about getting there to look at our land (so am I).
I wish we could go for longer than a week but that's all the vacation I have left for the year.

Before you know it, it was time for bed.


That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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