Sunday 5 August 2018

Getting Reacquainted with My Treadmill (August 1, 2018)

I got a lift with My Honey to work this morning so I was there extra early.
I didn't mind, I had reports to run so I got to it right away.

I had one of these Vanilla Protein Shakes I picked up from Costco.
Someone on Weight Watchers suggested using them as coffee creamer so that's why I bought them but I wasn't really crazy about how that tasted.
I do like drinking them just as is, especially when they are nice and cold and they keep me really full.

I knew I would be staying for lunch so I brought some left over salad with me.
There were leftovers in the fridge here at work too from the retirement party they had here yesterday for another one of our guys that is retiring this week.

So I ended up having greek salad and garden salad for lunch.
I also had some imitation crab for some protein.

It was pretty good.

I brought some grapes too and snacked on them this afternoon.
They were so crispy and good.
It always makes me happy when I get good fruit.

After work, SG gave me a drive to pick up my vehicle.

He did such a great job detailing it.

I was super impressed.

It smelled nice and clean too.

I took my niece & her puppy to the Vet a few weeks ago and the backseat was covered in dog hair and he even got that all cleaned up.
I told him I was going to post a recommendation for him on Facebook when I got home and I did.

I watched an episode of Outdaughtered when I got home then I went down and worked out.

I didn't follow any pattern, just randomly did whatever felt good.
I did get some jogging in and when I was going at a slower speed, I danced along which actually worked up quite a sweat.

I didn't have a plan on how long I wanted to do either but just decided to go until I hit 10,000 steps.
When I did get there, I kept going a bit longer just because.

Proud I got a workout in and a sweat on!
I always feel so good after a work out.

I warmed up a couple slices of pizza for supper and My Honey arrived home from work as I was eating.
There was lots of pizza left so that is what he had too.

I drizzled a bit of this on it - so good.

He & I watched the first half of the Season Finale (and series finale too unfortunately).
I like all three of the contestants that are left so I'll be happy to see any of the three win.

A big thunder & lightning storm was brewing and the power flicked off a couple of times but it didn't go out entirely.

We also watched Wahlburgers - apparently they had to close the Coney Island location but they've since opened it again.
The issue was management and wait times.
We did have a bit of a wait when we went there but I didn't mind that much.
Hopefully it succeeds for them, well more for the employees that work there - I think the Wahlberg's will be ok if that location ultimately ends up failing.

I should have headed to bed but I wanted to get a bath.
Sometimes when I sweat, I get a rash under my boobs & my belly and it really hurts.
I got pretty sweaty working out so I didn't want anything to develop.

When I finally did get to bed I just couldn't get to sleep at all.
I'm not sure why.
I just lay there awake then just around 11 pm My Honey got called out to work.
That always seems to happen in a thunderstorm.
Then I really couldn't sleep.
I kept imagining all these scenarios where he got hurt out there.
I couldn't turn it off.
So I looked at my phone to keep my mind occupied until he got back home around 1:30.
Sometimes he leaves and I'm back to sleep instantly but other times I just worry, worry, worry.

I still had trouble falling asleep but eventually drifted off.
Gonna be tired tomorrow!

I love these.
I kind of have this strange love of the periodic table and these clever shirts make me happy for some reason.

Perodic Table and Puns and fun colors!
Can't beat that.
I totally want this shirt!

Way to go me!

That is all for today, until next time be happy!

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