Sunday 5 August 2018

Does Two Days a New Pattern Make? Hope So! (August 2, 2018)

This cool cat turned 6 today!
Happy birthday to my nephew Mr. D.

My snack at my desk this morning.
Cucumber, radish, mini peppers and baby carrots.

For lunch I opened up a can of tuna, added onions and capers and mayo.
I made a sandwich but then ate the extra too.
I tried the white tuna and now that I have I can never go back, it is so delicious.

It was a pretty quiet day in the office today.
We have an extra long weekend coming up so mostly everyone left early.
I wasn't that anxious to get away since My Honey has to work all weekend so I won't be going far.
I am looking forward to getting some things done around the house though.

As soon as I got home, I got supper started then I changed into some work out clothes and headed to the basement.

I was on the treadmill working out when My Honey got home.
He came down and played with the kitties while I was finishing up.

Again, I didn't really have a goal set aside from reaching 10,000 steps on my Fitbit so I kind of just walked and jogged until I got there.

It always feels so good to get my workout complete.
When I get away from it, I forget that kind of high you get when you have a good workout.

I made some watermelon salad.
It had watermelon, cucumber, goat cheese, almond slices, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.
It is then drizzled with balsamic vinegar and it was really good.
I think if I make it again, I might cook down the balsamic vinegar to make it thicker and stronger tasting.

I also roasted asparagus and made lemon pepper cod.
I over cooked the fish but all in all, it was a good meal.

Managed to reach the step goal again today.
It is going to become the norm from here on out.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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