Wednesday 8 August 2018

Weigh In Day (Aug 7, 2018)

Well it was back to work for me today.
It was a nice, relaxing weekend but I got a bunch of things accomplished as well so that's good.
I was looking forward to weighing in this morning because I knew that I'd made wise choices as far as eating goes and that I was able to get a work out in everyday.
However, when I arrived a the office, I started having doubts.
What if the scale didn't show a loss?
How would that make me feel?
I started freaking myself out a little about it and started wondering if weighing in every day was the best thing to do.
If I don't see results that I expect, it might put a damper on my spirit, you know, cause me to lose motivation, and that isn't a good thing.
Mondays are normally my weigh in anyway so I just went ahead and did it.
263.2 lbs.
Woo Hoo!
That is down 6.8 lbs since July 30.
I felt great about that.
I decided that for these 3 months I am going to weigh in every day that I am at work like I initially decided.
I just want to see what causes my weight to fluctuate.
Hopefully I can continue this momentum and not allow it to affect me but if it does, I can go back to the once weekly weigh ins after that.
I booked tickets for My Honey and I to go on the Edmonton river cruise and about an hour after I booked them, I realized I booked them for the wrong day.
I booked them for Thursday night, I meant to book them for Friday night.
This is the only Friday of the summer that we don't get off because we just had Monday off.
I tried to get ahold of someone from the Riverboat cruises or the ticketing agent to see if they would let me change but had no luck getting a hold of anyone so it looks like I may have to work in St Albert office for the day on Friday.

I went home for lunch and had some kitty cuddles.
He is just like a little kid when I take out the phone, he is intrigued by it.
How does that saying go - curious as a cat?

Paddington Selfie.
Lunch was left over steak, kale and sweet potato.
It was pretty darn good too.
My brother called me to let me know that he had to put Mr Jones down due to kidney failure.
He was my dog in the beginning then my brother adopted him from me.
I felt so awful, mostly that I couldn't be there with him when it happened but the vet is over an hour away.
My brother said that he was in a really bad state and couldn't even really do anything so it's best to stop his suffering as soon as possible.
It is so hard to lose a pet and he was such a friendly little dog, all he wanted to do was play with a ball, that's it, that's all it took to make him happy
I got on the treadmill pretty much as soon as I get home.
The longer I procrastinate about getting on, the harder it becomes.
I did just random walking and jogging.
I did a few minutes at 5.0 here and there.
My pattern was kind of as follows:
1 min @ 2.5 speed
1 min @ 3.0 speed
1 min @ 5.0 speed
1 min @ 4.0 speed
then repeat.
I tried to do 2 min in a row at 5.0 but after 1.30 I had to lower the speed.
I am going to continue working at it though - I know it will just get easier.
I had also bumped the incline up to .5 from 0 and I think I am going to try to leave it there for awhile until I am ready to bump it up to 1.0
I was right around 53 minutes in when I felt my fitbit vibrating to let me know I reached the 10,000 step goal.
I started with right around 4,000 steps and I wasn't expecting it to take that long but now I know!

Feeling happy that I got my sweat on.
After my workout, I got busy on supper.
I got some chicken breasts cooking and put together a salad.
I grilled some pita bread for croutons and had everything ready to go when My Honey got home.
Except the salad dressing.
I got him to make that because he does such a great job at it and I whipped up some instant mashed potatoes.
Supper was so good!
Those instant mashed potatoes are so good.
The salad and the chicken were great as well.
Then My Honey and I sat down to watch the final episode of FaceOff.
It was down to Matt, Walter and Jordan.
Walter had gotten off to a bad start last week and he never really caught up.
Spoiler Alert if you watch it - Matt was crowned the winner.
They did characters from Alice in Wonderland and his Alice was pretty awesome.
He really did deserve the win even though the other two guys did a really great job as well.
Then it was off to bed for me.
I've been having a really hard time falling asleep lately for some reason so I tried to stay away from looking at my phone hoping that would help.
Just about all green again today - I am good with these totals!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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