Sunday 5 August 2018

Paddington is the Cutest! (July 29, 2018)

We had a really lovely sleep in this morning.
Those are always nice.

The biggest things on my agenda today were laundry and blogging so I got right to it.

I wanted to unpack our suitcase first thing but someone had a different idea about that.

My Honey came in to see what was up and maybe convince him to move.

He seemed pretty comfy though.
Eventually he moved on and I was able to get the suitcase unpacked.
I stripped the bed, gathered all the dirty laundry I could find and got it sorted and started asap.

Then I made myself a coffee and settled in at the computer for a blog fest.
Boy does it ever eat up time!

I took some time out to make myself a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast.

My Honey was busy getting little projects of his own completed so it was a productive day.
He is taking his work truck tomorrow to get something fixed so he took it down today to the car wash so he could get it cleaned up first.
It gets pretty muddy out there in the field.

I was sitting blogging while he was gone when I suddenly started hearing this strange noise.
It took me a minute or two to figure out that it was hail and big stuff too.
The plants we just picked up were all sitting, uncovered, in the back of the truck so I sprang into action.
I was unloading them and running them over to the house when My Honey showed up out of nowhere to help.
We got them all up to a sheltered part of the house and then just as quickly as it had started, the hail stopped.
We were both drenched by that point but at least we saved our plants.

I went back to blogging and My Honey got to work on supper.

He cooked up mussels with a thai coconut broth.

He added onion, green onions and bacon and he warmed up some crusty bread to go with it.
OMG - it was so good.

I sopped up some of the broth with the bread then just got a spoon to eat the rest because no way was I letting it go to waste.

I had a little someone sharing my blanket with me.

It's his new favorite hang out spot.

I know - 3 pictures of the same thing but he is just so darn cute!

I called my son to see if he was home so I could drop off the chicken pot pie and some baskets I'd picked up for the baby's room but he had been called out to work and was heading there so he just dropped by and picked it up.

After supper, I got back to work blogging and I made some real progress but I am still so far behind.
I am really going to work hard this week to get myself all caught up!

My sister called today - turns out her boyfriend got together with his best friend's wife.
They two couples had hung out together lots so it was a shock to her.
She is coping well but of course she has hard days.
No matter the reason it sure does a number on a person's self esteem and I so wish I had a magic wand that I could wave and make her feel better.

I wish she was closer too so I could just go over and be with her but at least my mom is there with here right now so she isn't alone.

Not very good.

Well I guess that is about all for today, until next time, be happy!

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