Saturday 4 August 2018

Meeting in St Albert (July 23, 2018)

I had a meeting at the St Albert office today so I wanted to get on the road by 7 am.

I stopped at the office to pick up a few things then ended up chatting with SV and SG so it was nearer 7:30 when I left.

Oh well, no biggie.

I was making good time so I went to Timmies in Westlock and got myself a Bagel belt and a coffee.

There wasn't much traffic at all until I hit St Albert then it was crazy all of a sudden.
I still managed to pull into the parking lot a little before 9:30 though so not bad.

Turned out that the 9:30 meeting was just supposed to be for SV, SG & myself but since they didn't come with me, we just skipped it.

There was another meeting at 11:00 that I was there for so until then, I just went into an office and worked.
I had some filing to do anyway.
I am covering a mat leave for one of the girls at the office there and the stuff I do for her still gets filed in her office.

Our meeting was to go over some new things they are adding to PM Suite (PVR) and I don't do it much any more but it was still interesting.

It is always nice to go in and see the girls, met one of the new ones that just came over from Peace River, GDF.

They brought in lunch for us, sandwiches and fruit.

I had an egg salad and a chicken sandwich.
Both were very good and the fruit was great too, especially the strawberries.

The meeting ended around 2 pm and I wanted to get out of there early but I still had some work to do so I worked on that.
Ended up being about 4 when I finally left.

I really needed gas so stopped at Costco to fill up.
Decided to go in and get some supper too.
I couldn't figure out what to get so walked out with frozen shrimp, chicken pot pie, sushi rolls, a whole roast chicken and potato salad.
Quite the combination.

I prepared some sushi rolls and by prepare I mean that I added wasabi, pickled ginger and soy sauce then I hit the road.

I snacked on sushi and listened to the Broadway station.
I love the Broadway station, especially when I am alone and they are playing songs that I like.

I got home just after 7 pm.

My Honey wasn't home yet so I just watched some tv and waited for him.

When he got home, we cut up the chicken and had some of it with potato salad for supper.
He also put the chicken pot pie in the oven so of course when it came out, I wanted a slice of that.
I forgot to weigh in today so plan on doing it tomorrow and all this food late at night is not going to help.

I just have not been in the proper mind set to get anything going on the weight loss front and need to get there.

By the time we finished eating, it was time to hit the hay.


That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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