Friday 3 August 2018

Weigh In Day (July 16, 2018)

Well this is going to be a really quiet week at the office.
All the other ladies are on vacation so I'll be manning the fort all on my own.
It won't be that busy so I don't mind, it will change things up a bit which is nice.

When I got to work the first thing I did was go to my office and weigh in.
I was down a bit which is great.
I was careful about my choices but I didn't crazy and deny myself everything so I am pleased with the results.
Each little step is a step in the right direction.

With that in mind, I grabbed all the things I would need out of my office for the day and headed to the front reception desk which is where I will work from all week.

The very first thing I did when I got there was update the "Words of Wisdom" board.
I thought this was very appropriate.

I snacked on pomegranate seeds all morning.

The morning flew by with the few extra duties I had and next thing you know it was lunch time.
I locked up and went home where I had a slice and a half of left over pizza and My Honey is on days off so he joined me and we watched another episode of Ugly Delicious.
I didn't have enough time to finish the whole episode though so we'll save it for tonight.
The afternoon flew by again.
We close up shop here at 4:30 and it was almost 5:00 before I realized it was time to go home.
I think I am going to enjoy this week!!!
When I got home we watched the rest of the episode from lunch then I worked on blogging a bit while My Honey got busy making supper.

He had made chimichurri earlier in the day which he sent me a picture of.
I love that stuff so much!
He also made a watermelon salad with cucumber, onion & feta.
Sounds like a weird combo I know but believe me, it is delish!

Finally he cooked up some flank steak which has become our new favorite cut of steak.

Needless to say, supper was a big hit with me.
I had seconds because I just couldn't get enough of the chimichurri.

He also whipped up a dessert which I could not resist.
It had a graham cracker crust, a banana custard and whipped cream.
So yum!

We had a low key evening.
I worked on blogging while My Honey did clean up.
I should have helped him but I am so far behind again - always happens after a trip.

Luckily he is supportive of my blog/journal and while I am certain he would have preferred a bit of help, he was totally ok with me getting some catch up in.

We watched another episode of Ugly Delicious too - lots of good ideas on there of places to eat too!

I was making notes just in case we ever happen to be in any of the cities showcased.

Hmmm, not very good total today.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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