Sunday 5 August 2018

Red Deer for Training. (July 31, 2018)

I was at the office by 5:45 am this morning making a coffee for my drive.
I was on the road by 6 am as planned and it was a nice drive.
There really isn't much traffic until I hit the city so the first 2.5 hours of the drive was very peaceful.
The rest of the drive was too, just more traffic to watch out for.

It was pretty foggy this morning when I left though.

I pulled over to take a picture although that might not have been the safest thing in hindsight as the visibility was very low.

I brought myself some snacks for the ride so I wouldn't be tempted to stop and get unhealthy food.
I also had a protein shake for breakfast hoping that would help keep me feeling full.

It worked.

I was in an eighties/nineties kind of mood this morning.

This was an oldie but a goodie.
I have always had a thing for R&B and I'm going to download this one as soon as I get back home.

This one brought back memories of dancing in the club with my friends.
Good times.

My Honey sent me this picture of the kitties cuddling in his old suitcase "Max" who I think he finally was able to part ways with this morning.
He bought it for our first trip to New York which was in 2009 and it's been on every trip with him since.
Max was in pretty rough shape though and he's been doctored up a few times but this time he just wan't fixable.
I've been wanting to get rid of him but My Honey had to do it on his own time and today is finally the day.

I made it to the Red Deer office right around 10 am just as I figured.
I immediately started training the new girl.
She has a little experience with one of the programs so we focused on the one that she's never seen before.

We worked right up until lunch time then she came with me to show me where Chopped Leaf was.

We both ordered the Thai Salad they have with prawns.

We got it to go then headed back to the office.
She asked me to join her and the other girls in  the lunch room but I wanted to get emails checked so I declined and did that.

Then as I was looking at emails I changed my mind and thought what the heck, go up and meet some new people and so that is what I did.

The lead admin there came over from Devon so I've known her for quite a few years.
Another lady I've met a few times at the admin meetings in Calgary.

I met a few others and they were all very nice.
One of them said she just won the Western Alberta Water Skiing Championship over the weekend.
Pretty awesome!
I've never even water skied in my whole life.
She said she often drives the 1.5 hours to Calgary after work just to go water skiing, then back to Red Deer for work in the morning.
That is dedication.

After lunch I worked with WS for another hour then I spent an hour on some of my own stuff before hopping back in the truck to head home.

They are right in Gasoline Alley so there are all these great places right by them.
Costco, Tim Hortons, Edo, Chopped Leaf and the Dollar store to name a few.
I checked in the Dollar Store for a daily calendar to track my weigh ins.
I am going to weigh in daily for this next 3 months just to keep really close track of what I am doing.
I looked on the weekend but had no luck at all.
My luck changed today.

I found one for this year,

I found one for next year too!

It will be strictly for weigh ins and I only weigh in at work because I don't have a scale at home so I'll be skipping weekends.

I love new notebooks and stationary items so I picked up a few other things too.
I thought this little note pack was cute.

It has sheets that show a week at a glance and then a few other little post it note pads.

I should have gotten a few more for shower gifts.

I knew My Honey was making pizza for supper and that I would want some when I got home so even though it would be a bit later when I got home, I decided to wait and have that when I got there.

I stopped in Leduc to go to Walmart.

They had these gorgeous, full flower arrangements in the meridian.

I needed a tension rod, hair dye and sliced almonds.
I got in there and could only remember the almonds, I remembered the rest hours later when I was already home.
Oh well, it's an extra long weekend coming up so maybe I'll make a trip to WCT.
I got some turkey bites as well to snack on for the rest of the drive home, more baby carrots too.

I hit the road again then had to stop in Barrhead for a break.
I was getting sleepy and I had to use the washroom.
I picked up a couple of hard boiled eggs, water, iced tea (sugar free) and grapes to munch the rest of the way home.
I find if I snack, it keeps my mind occupied therefore helps to keep me awake and alert.
It worked and I made it home right around 8:00.

Someone was at the door to greet me when I arrived!

Miss H's dad started detailing vehicles recently so I made an appointment to have ours done tomorrow.
Instead of going there super early though, I made plans with him to drop it off tonight.
I cleaned all the junk out of the truck (it really wasn't much, a shopping bag full).

Then I had 3 slices of pizza for supper.
It is thin crust so I think that was reasonable.
The tomato sauce he made this time was even better than normal which I didn't think was possible.
He drizzled some hot honey on it too and I loved it.

He was a busy little bee all day and got his office all organized.
There are a few boxes of things left to go through in there but they look to be mine so I am going to get it taken care of this weekend.

He cleaned the house too so it was all sparkly and clean when I got home.
What a great man he is!

We took the truck over to drop it off and talked with Miss H's parents for a little bit.
Her little sister Z is such a little cutie pie.
She was full of energy, running around and talking.
She could have entertained me all evening.
She & her mom told me how much they like my son and that made me so proud and happy.
He is a good boy I know but to know they feel the same way was nice.

We discussed a baby shower briefly and decided on a weekend that would work.
Miss H decided that she wanted to have it after baby arrives, initially she was thinking before but that is coming up soon so we need to get on it.
Miss M is going to help out as well so that is good!

We walked back home and it was too late to do anything except go to bed.
My Honey is back to work tomorrow.
Bummer as I have a 4 day weekend coming up and he will be working the whole time but I'll find things to do I'm sure.

I saw this on Facebook and loved it instantly.
My Honey built a few panels for a fence that we were going to put up in the backyard but he's just never had the time to finish it.
I was suggesting that we put up a couple of them in one of the corners and this is exactly what I was imagining in my mind.
I might be able to talk him into it yet.

Also from Facebook - I have a thing for funny signs.

I didn't make it to 10,000 today but I had a long, busy day so I am not going to beat myself up over it.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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