Friday 3 August 2018

Ugly Delicious - Watch It! (July 15, 2018)

We slept in a bit for once on the weekend.
It was nice.

My Honey works every second weekend and we often go into the city on his weekend off so it isn't often that we are home together on his weekend off and able to lounge around together.

I had plans on getting blog catch up done today but that didn't happen.

We found a new show that we really enjoy on Netflix.

Ugly Delicious.

The first episode was about pizza and after watching it we were hooked.
It also made us really want pizza for supper.

My Honey got some dough going then we headed over to my son's to assist him with the air conditioner install.
He was stumped on how to set it up and wanted some input from us.
The part of the window in his living room that opens is the top part so it ended up not being the best option for setting it up.

We looked at all the windows and finally settled on the window in the door.
The hose is long enough that the door can be opened still.
The air conditioner will be slightly in the way in the kitchen for the rest of the summer but I think the benefits far outweigh that minor inconvenience.

My Honey took a template of the window so we can cut out a piece of wood to fit in around the hose.
I had picked up a huge bag of almonds as a treat for my son at Costco yesterday so I dropped those off to him as well and he was thankful for those.
His honey is still away and won't be back until tomorrow so he should be able to have the house nice and cooled down for her homecoming.

After we fiddled around with that for a bit, we went back home and watched a couple more episodes of Ugly Delicious.
It is a really interesting show - I like the subject matter and the format.
I hope they make more seasons.

My Honey made a couple of pizzas for supper.
He made the tomato sauce from scratch and the aroma of garlic and onions wafting through the house was amazing.
I probably could have eaten just a bowlful of that and I'd have been happy.

The pizza was yummy too though.

He made a pesto one lastly and even though I was full already, I got him to cut me a thin slice just so I could taste it.
He is just so talented!

It is national ice cream day so I momentarily thought it would be good excuse to have an ice cream but I knew I didn't really need one.
It's one of the treats I really love to indulge in during the summer but I'll save it as a treat for if we go on a road trip or something.

This though!
I want it.

This is so me!
Those monsters have now turned into kitties though.
If I stick my feet out, they attack!

Guess I'll consider this a rest day!

That was about how our day went.
Until next time, be happy!

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