Friday 3 August 2018

Bagels for Days (July 18, 2018)

It was back to work for My Honey today.
Only 7 to go though and then he'll be off again for another 7.

The days off fly by but then so do the days on sometimes too - guess the main thing is to find joy in all the days, not just the days off.

Work is still pretty quiet for me.
It's nice to be out front for a change anyway - I get to chat when people are picking up or dropping off tickets and I like that.

For lunch I heated up one of the delicious bagels My Honey made and added whipped chive cream cheese and raspberry jam.
My very favorite combo for bagels, even over bagels and lox which I adore as well.
It was so tasty and I watched last nights episode of Outdaughtered while I ate.

My dad gave me a call this afternoon and we had a nice chat.
I sure wish he lived closer so that we could spend more time together.

He was worried because he hadn't been having any luck contacting my sister lately but felt better when I explained that she'd had her phone essentially turned off for calls while in England because of the cost.
She was only flying back to Canada yesterday and may have been late getting in but he should have no problem contacting her now.

After work I stopped by the Hardware to pick up some Goo Be Gone.
My Honey had put duct tape on the transition section between the dining room and living room floor just to keep it down until he had time to actually put the transition cover piece in.
When he pulled it off, some of the goo from tape stayed on the floor.

I put the "Goo Be Gone" on it, very liberally I might add and I was able to get it all off.
It took a bit of elbow grease but it worked like a charm.
I will highly recommend this stuff, it worked great.

I also got some laundry and dishes done AND I got a clear coat of varnish onto the shelf.
I was busy as a bee after work.

I finished up everything that I wanted to get done by around 7 then I made another bagel (this time with peanut butter) and sat down to enjoy it.

My Honey made himself pizza bagels when he got home and they looked and smelled terrific. He offered to make me one as well but lo and behold, I didn't want one.

I have been feeling very much like the laser treatments are helping.
I feel like my appetite has curbed greatly and I am able to manage my cravings very easily.
I feel like I have control and it's wonderful.

Not much else went on this evening.
We were all snug in bed by 9 pm.

Not quite at goal but better than yesterday.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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