Thursday 16 August 2018

The Apocolypse is Back! (August 15, 2018)

When I got up this morning, it was still dark out and it confused me.
I thought maybe the time was wrong or something.

It is usually light at this time in the morning so it was really strange.
I got to the office and everything just looked so eerie.
The sky kind of had this dark orange glow to it.
It truly was looking apocalyptic out there today.

I saw another butterfly near the front  door to the office.
I see them here all the time, I wonder where they come from?

I kept going out to look at the sky because I was a little in awe about it.
It was 7:37 am and normally at this time of year, it is completely light out by this time.
It was kind of a cool phenomenon to witness.

It was pretty smoky too.

It would be perfect for filming a horror movie.

For awhile there it seemed like it was getting darker instead of lighter but it did eventually begin to lighten up.
I got out for a couple of walks this morning.

For lunch I had a couple slices of the delicious pizza that My Honey made yesterday.
I got on the treadmill after work and I was nervous about my foot going numb again so I decided to skip jogging for today and did an incline work out instead.
The Massage Therapist told me last night that she had another client who was experiencing that same numbness from running only his didn't go away.
I certainly don't want that to happen so I am going to be hyper sensitive about what my body is telling me and act accordingly.
I still managed to get a good sweat session in though so I was happy with that.
I got mom's flight home booked today.
She is going to be getting back on Sept.7, 2018.

Supper was two more slices of that delicious pizza!
When My Honey got home, he & I watched a couple episodes of Nailed It.
It's easy to watch and think that I could do so much better but  I think it's much harder than it looks.
They have a very limited time and they are under pressure so I am sure it is pretty tough.
I gave my son a call to see how Miss H is getting along, she had a doctor appointment yesterday.
She is dilated to 3 now so hopefully it won't be too long now.

I smashed that 10,000 step goal today!!!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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