Sunday 26 August 2018

13 Reasons Why (August 19, 2018)

I got up this morning, made a coffee and found a movie to watch on Netflix.

Heaven is for Real
It's been on my list to watch for quite some time now and I was finally in the mood for it.
I enjoyed it.

Then I felt like watching something else and finally settled on 13 Reasons Why season two.
I watched the first season and really enjoyed it but since the second season came out I've been wondering if I would actually like it and what it could even be about.

One episode in and I was hooked.
I watched it all day long.
I did manage to get a few other things worked in but pretty much this was how I spent my day.
It's amazing how a show can suck you in like that.

My boy and his love stopped by for a quick visit.

I wanted one last picture of that baby bump before it's gone.
Shouldn't be long now and I know Miss H is definitely ready for it to be over.

The rough life of a kitty!
This is pretty much how Paddington spent his day.

I had some ground beef so I made little meatball sliders for supper.

I had a chicken caesar salad I picked up at Costco the other day so I mixed that up and voila - supper!
It was really delicious.

My auntie posted this picture of her and mom picking blueberries.

I still had 4 more episodes of 13 Reasons Season Two left to watch when I finally headed to bed but I kind of wanted to stay up late and just watch them all.

I can't wait to get home tomorrow to finish up.

Pretty much was expecting this - I was a major couch potato today.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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