Saturday 4 August 2018

Hanging with Mr.H for the Day! (July 21, 2018)

I wanted to get some blogging done today, I am so far behind with adding pictures.
However, I made a coffee then watched the final two episodes of Baby Ballroom first.
I noticed that there is a second season but I made myself get up and get some work done first.

I cooked up some eggs for my breakfast.

Not much later, my brother called to say that Mr H wanted to come over and visit.
So I told him to bring him on over.

When he got there, he was a little shy but it didn't take long for him to warm up to me.
My brother left and said he'd come back when ever I called but I told him we would just walk over there later.

We got busy playing.
Of course he wanted to go outside so out we went.

We brought out the bucket of toys I keep by the door and he was trying his hardest to get the spray can of sidewalk chalk to work but I think it was empty.

We were in the backyard and EVERY SINGLE TIME a truck drove by he would say "I think that Jason (My Honey), let go check"

I had to take him around front to show him that My Honey's truck wasn't there and to convince him that he wasn't home.

It didn't matter though because the very next vehicle he heard he was like "I think Jason home".

It was so funny.

I got him some lunch then tried to distract him with a bath.
I got some boats out and I sat in there and played boats with him until he grew tired of that.

I tried to get him to watch some Paw Patrol but it only held his interest as long as his pudding lasted.

Chocolate pudding right after a bath might not have been the best idea.

He wasn't at all concerned about getting messy though.

I figured I'd take him down to the park for a walk, maybe get an ice cream then take him home.
We had a couple of rest stops on the way down.

On the way down to the park, my brother called to say that he'd been called out to work and to ask if I minded keeping Mr H until he got back, of course I didn't.

We went to the store and got ice creams, I was good and got a little one.
He got bubble gum flavor and was sticking his whole hand into his cup of ice cream to get the bubble gum pieces.
It is bright blue ice cream so he was quite the sticky mess.

Once he finished his ice cream, he got busy playing.

He was running around and trying out all the equipment.

He didn't stay on any one thing for very long.

He played on the slides and this fire truck thing they have then he wanted to be pushed on the swing for a bit.

When he grew tired of that, he went to another section of the park to play and go down the slide there.
This slide had a giant puddle at the bottom of it but he'd gone down a couple other slides without falling at the bottom so I thought it would be ok.

It wasn't.

He slid down and fell smack dab down into the puddle and got totally soaked.
Ha ha - it surprised him but he wasn't upset or anything.
Thank goodness it wasn't a cold day out.
I did decide to take him back home though so we started walking back up the hill.

There was a truck trailer parked outside of the play park and he just had to climb up on it then jump off.

The Big Jump!

OMG - that was the longest walk in the history of walks.
He would just stop for no reason and stand there.

Then if he found a puddle he wanted to walk in it and play in it.
I just let him, so it took a super long time to walk home but I was in no rush.

Puddle Fun!

As we were walking, he could hear water sloshing around in his little boots.

Consequences of Puddle Jumping!

He was having a hard time so I took them off and let him walk bare feet in the grass.
I had to pick him up and carry him a couple of times but eventually we made it home.

I put him right back into another bath and got his clothes into the washer because I had nothing else for him to wear.

I did have to put an old shirt of mine on him while we were waiting for his clothes to dry but I doctored it up so it would stay put and it worked out fine.

I was wanting to get a video of him being all excited when My Honey arrived home but My Honey surprised us both and walked in the door without me even noticing that he'd pulled up.

Mr H was still excited though and it was like I stopped existing as soon as My Honey walked in.

They played together for a while before my brother showed back up to take him home.
It was a nice day and I am glad I got to spend it with him, just he & I.

I hadn't made any supper so we went to the store and picked up some frozen pizzas.
We hung out and watched a bit of tv before heading to bed - My Honey was tired after his late night then early morning and I was tired too.

Hanging out with little ones is fun but also tiring.


That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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