Tuesday 14 August 2018

Rainy Summer Day (August 12, 2018)

It was a dreary, gray, rainy day outside today.
Cold out there too, so we stayed in bed later than usual where it was nice and cozy.

When we did get up, I made coffee then My Honey made us omelettes for breakfast.
I had mine with salsa - yum yum. 

Then I got to work around the house.
I put the new cover I ordered on the love seat.
It is a tight fit and I should have washed it (or at least ironed it) first but I wanted to see how it looked.
I like how it looks and the kitties decided to try it out right away as well.
One of the reasons I got them was because Paddington's hair shows up so well on the brown and it was driving me crazy.
Well no sooner did I have this on then it was covered in black hair from Professor Snuggles, ha ha!
So I put a little throw blanket on it and they've thankfully been choosing to lie on that.

I am going to wash the one for the couch before putting it on just so it doesn't look so wrinkly.

I also put up my new curtains in the dining room.
I normally love color so I surprised myself by wanting to change these to this neutral beige color but I really like them too.
The dining room always seems so dark and I think these will really lighten it up in there.

I warmed up left over chicken and sweet potato and had that for lunch.

I took a break from puttering around the house and watched this movie,
The Women.
It was an entirely female cast which was different.
I was just ok.

My cousin sent this picture to our family messenger group.
She and her mom (my auntie) went from NB to NS to visit my sister and my mom and they were deep into a serious game of cards.
I come from a family of card players which I do like to do when I am with them but I don't normally do any other time.

Later in the afternoon, My Honey finished up his projects he was working on and he sat down and watched Blockers with me.
I hadn't heard great things about it but I liked it.
It was entertaining and that's the main thing.

My Honey cooked up some salmon chowder for us to have for supper.
I forgot to take a picture.
I was kind of sleepy this afternoon and kept nodding off on the couch.
I should have went and had a nap and then maybe I would have had some get up and go but I didn't.

After supper, I talked My Honey into watching another movie with me.
Walt Before Mickey
I was expecting more of a documentary but I enjoyed it.
The acting reminded me of a cheesy Lifetime or Hallmark channel movie but that doesn't bother me.
I think sometimes we tend to think that these successful people are so lucky but we don't realize or consider all the effort they put into getting to that point.
Sometimes they fail more than once too but they just get up and keep going and that is very inspiring.
Saw this on Facebook and it is so me.
I think I go through 2 bottles of conditioner to every 1 of shampoo.
I am very fussy about my conditioner too - if it's not thick and creamy, I won't even waste my time with it!

Not a very stellar performance from me for today but tomorrow I will be back at it.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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