Monday 6 August 2018

Money Goes Fast! (August 4, 2018)

I got up this morning, made a coffee then hopped into a nice, relaxing bubble bath.
I didn't read or look at my phone, I just laid there.
It was wonderful.

After I got garbage loaded into the truck and the box of tupperware containers to take to donate then I hit the road for WCT.

Turns out the second hand store was closed for the long weekend so I brought that box of Tupperware back with me.
Maybe that's a sign?

I stopped in at Walmart to get a few things that I needed.
Somehow I managed to spend $200.00!
I can't believe how fast that happens.
It was all stuff that I needed though so whatever.

I did decide that was enough for one day though so I didn't go to any other stores.

Except Subway.
I got a footlong turkey sub.
The girl that was making it was being very stingy with the veggies so I asked her for more.
Then I noticed that she was a trainee so I felt kind of bad but come on Subway, tell your people to load those subs up.
The bun wasn't even all covered up.

I ate half of it and saved the other half for later.
It was pretty good.

I stopped for gas and saw this protein drink so I got one to give it a try.

It was low in fat and very high in protein and fibre.
It was really thick and chocolatey.
I did like it but it was a lot.
I could have saved some of it I suppose but I drank the whole thing on the way home.

I picked up stuff to make scallop burgers for supper so I was really looking forward to that.
I got everything ready to go but didn't start cooking it right away.
I never know when My Honey is going to get home and I want it to be warm when gets home.

I didn't feel like getting back to blogging so instead I found a movie to watch.

Life as a House.
It was a .99 cent rental and it looked pretty good so I gave it a go.
I ended up really liking it.

When it was over it was close to 7 so I went down and hopped on the treadmill. 

I was really matchy, matchy today.
My runners are pink and purple.

So I got out my pink shirt, my purple headband and you can't see it but my pants are purple too.
This is the before work out picture.

I got 56 minutes done today.
Some running, some jogging.
I make sure to push myself just a bit and as long as I am working up a sweat, I am good.

I did work up a sweat.
In fact it wasn't long into the workout before I had my hair up off my neck.
Happy to have today's workout complete!

My Honey ended up getting home before I was done so he cooked up the scallops.
Everything else was already in pots cooking.

We had scallop burgers.
I made homemade coleslaw to go with.
I also boiled up more baby potatoes because they were so good yesterday.
I made green beans too with onions, butter, salt & pepper.
I love, love, love green beans.

We had watermelon for dessert.

I convinced My Honey to watch a movie with me before going to bed.

Daddy's Home 2.
I noticed it was a .99 cent rental today too.
It didn't have very great reviews but I like all the main actors so I wanted to watch it regardless.
I liked it.
It wasn't like a classic or the best movie of all time or anything but I wouldn't have expected that.
It was fun and entertaining - just what I think it should have been.

I love this - Definitely Words of Wisdom to live by!

Reached the step goal again.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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