Monday 13 August 2018

Post Apocolyptic Around Here (August 10, 2018)

Woke up to more smoke in the air, it is getting bad out there.

I knew I wasn't going to get a work out in today so I made sure to get out for a few walks to get those steps in.
I can understand why they suggest that people should stay inside when the air quality is low like this, I could actually feel it in my chest and I got a little short of breath just walking to the end of the lane.

It's looking even worse out here today than it did yesterday.

It didn't stop My Honey from working though.
He brought home a crate he found out in the field and he took it all apart to make a stand.
He got some pretty good pieces from it.
I got a parcel!!!!!

I ordered covers for my love seat and couch and I also ordered a baby milestone blanket.
It has numbers 1-12 on it and it came with a little wreath to circle the numbers.
It's meant to take a picture of baby each month.
I had the other half of my sub from yesterday for lunch today.
I worked through lunch so that I could leave a bit early.

I made sure to get out for another walk in the afternoon before I left.
One of our geraniums is actually blooming!

We hit the road for Edmonton.
I took a couple extra peaches form the office for snacks.

I was hoping that maybe it would clear up as we got closer to Edmonton but no such luck.
It's kind of eerie out there - it feels post apocalyptic or something.
The poor air quality was a big news topic today

First thing we did when we hit the city was stop for something to eat.
My Honey picked pho!
I ordered us a couple of spring rolls.
I ordered my usual, rare beef.
It was super good and I made a bigger dent in it than I usually do.

He's always a happy boy when he get to have his favorite.
We made a couple stops before heading over to the Riverboat cruise I had booked for us tonight.
It mentioned on the website that parking was limited and sure enough when we got there, there weren't any spots left.
So we went back to Jasper ave and parked at a parking lot beside the Marriot there.
We noticed all these people walking around in costumes and when I looked it up, there was an anime convention going on at the Shaw Conference Center which is right next door.
We got a cab down to the Riverboat dock and as we were getting out of the cab, these two girls told us not to bother because the cruise was stuck out in the river so the evening cruise was cancelled.
So we headed back up to the truck but on the way, My Honey noticed that the riverboat looked like it was docked so I called them directly and they said they had cancelled briefly but they were back up and running now, it would just be leaving a little later.
So we had the cabbie turn around and take us back down there.

They were just docking from the last cruise as we got down there.

It's too bad it was so smoky and hazy.
We don't get down to the Edmonton River Valley much and it is actually really pretty down here.
Just waiting to get on the boat.
It wasn't totally packed with people.
I think the cancelling then uncancelling may have worked to our benefit.
I am sure there would have been lots more people here otherwise.

It wasn't long before they cleaned up, restocked then let us board.

I had gotten us tickets that included the charcuterie board.

I also got us a pulled beef bun

And a pulled pork bun.
The original ticket I bought included a bottle of wine for the Thursday night cruise which was not included in the price for the Friday night cruise so I had extra money to use up.
The food was pretty good.
My only issue was that there weren't enough tables for everyone so we had to use a chair as a table.
I think if they have food, they should make sure that you can sit at a table to eat it.
I did eventually see a couple sitting at a huge round table at the back of the boat and it was just the two of them so I asked if we could join and they said sure so we had a table to sit at after all.

It was meant to be a sunset cruise but with the air quality and the late start, we didn't get to see much of a sunset.
I didn't mind though, I just love being out on a boat.

We could see the funicular.
I kind of knew there was one there but had never seen it before.
I'd like to go back and check it out.
The Marriot Hotel looks like it has amazing views too - we are going to make a point of staying there one of these times.

The water was nice and calm.

My Honey - kind of dark for taking pictures.

The High Level bridge - it's so pretty.

I was taking My Honey's picture.
Then one of the crew offered to take our picture together.
It was a party cruise so there was music and dancing at the front of the boat but we opted to stay at the back of the boat the whole time, it was much quieter.
Couples kept coming back and standing kind of right in front of us for little make out sessions which was kind of awkward but whatever.
A view of the whole bridge.

Some of the other bridges that cross the river - they aren't as pretty.
We ended up getting back at 11:00 which was the original end time for the cruise so we lost out on about 40 minutes but we still enjoyed ourselves.
I would do it again.

We got a cab back up to the parking lot to pick up the truck.

This was the view looking down at the riverboat from the parking lot.
It was right around midnight by that time so we headed over to our hotel room from there.
I had booked us a room at a Best Western but they called us earlier in the evening to say that their air conditioning was not working so we cancelled and My Honey booked us at Hilton Home2 Suites.
One of my relatives posted this on Facebook today - It is my grandmother (in the back with the blue blazer) with her brother and sisters.
They were such a fun group and they are all departed from us now.
I didn't work out but I did get all my steps in!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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