Saturday 4 August 2018

Family Time (July 26, 2018)

It turned out to be another lovely day at work today.

My Honey was busy making bagels and smoked salmon today.
I could smell the salmon when I went home for lunch and it smelled so delicious.

My SIL is taking the kiddos to visit her mom in BC then on a houseboat trip for two weeks and they are leaving tomorrow so I asked them to come over tonight so I could see them for a bit before they left.

I also invited everyone else over for supper - why not?

I wasn't sure what to make but settled on hot dogs.
I had potato salad already so that was an easy one.

I was running around the house like mad after work just cleaning and getting ready for company so I missed my brothers text asking if I was making supper so he ended up feeding them.

My son, Miss H and my brother R came over for hot dogs though.

I just have a knack for capturing people when they have a mouth full of food.

My Honey doesn't eat hotdogs so he made salmon bagel sandwiches.
My son tried one and liked it and I had half of one because I really wanted a hot dog.
We don't usually have them and I really like them.

My Honey and I.
We have the curtains closed hence the blue/green glow.

My brother A did show up eventually with the kids.

Mr H went right to his favorite spot, My Honey's lap.

 My Honey got a fire going in our new fire pit so that we could roast marshmallows.

My Honey made sticks and everyone got down to business.

I had picked up stuff to make smores.

I think My Honey & Miss A were the only ones that actually ate theirs.

Miss H looked on - she is feeling quite hot and uncomfortable these days.
Not long now.

My brother looked on too - he is going to be all alone for the next two weeks.
He won't know what to do with himself.

The novelty of roasting a marshmallow wore off quickly for little Mr H and his roasting stick temporarily became a sword.

To avoid injuries we nixed that and he just ran around and let off some energy.

 Then My Honey got out some silly string that he'd picked up.
Mr H immediately knew what to do with it.

It took quite a bit of effort on his part

It was totally worth it though!

I was totally happy because I love having everyone over.

They did end up having a sword fight of sorts with pool noodles.
Then Mr H started biting chunks out of them so we had to put them away.

We hung out in the backyard for awhile until eventually my brother had to take the kiddos home to get them off to bed.
They are heading out super early in the morning as my SIL plans on driving straight through to Kelowna and I think it's like a 12 or 14 hour drive.

My Honey and I watched the first episode of season two of This is Us.
I've been waiting to watch it and want to get it done before the new season starts in the fall.

Then we were off to bed early too as I have my last laser therapy appointment in the morning at 10 am so we need to be on the road by 7:30 am.

Not great but better than yesterday.

That is all for today, until next time.

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