Friday 3 August 2018

Exploring Edmonton (July 13, 2018)

The summer Friday's off have begun - Yay!

However, I had an appointment in Edmonton for a Laser Therapy treatment at 10:30 am so we didn't have the luxury of sleeping in this morning.

We made avocado toast for breakfast then were on the road by 8 am.

I made it to the appointment just in time.
My Honey came in with me and we chatted with her the whole time.
It is very laid back which is pretty cool.

I wanted her to do a full body scan on me which she keeps saying she will do next time but has not done yet.
Hopefully next time it will happen.
She said she would do it at no extra charge but I don't even mind paying if she has the time to do it.
Guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed for next time.

We left there and went to Prairie Noodle House for lunch.
It was close by and we liked it so much the last time.

I had some green tea - they give you a whole little pot.

My Honey had their version of Rootbeer last time and he liked it so this time he tried the gingerale.
He liked it.

We had the edamame again because it was so good last time.
It was just as good as last time.

We had the dumplings for an appetizer as well.
They were pork & kale with a delicious dipping sauce.

Then for our meal, My Honey ordered a bowl of soup.

I ordered some tacos which they have on special for the summer.
I wasn't blown away by the tacos, they were just ok but they weren't bad.

My Honey loved his soup.

From there we had time left on our parking meter so we just kind of walked around downtown for a bit.

Some of these places downtown sure have a nice view of the river valley.

We stopped at a market we came across and they had boxes of blueberries on sale so I convinced My Honey to pick up a box for himself because they looked so good.
I don't like them but I sure wish I did.

He doesn't look very happy about it but he actually was.

We also found a little cheese place in the area with so many kinds of cheese.

They had his Red Leicester that he loves so I am sure we will be back.

Downtown Edmonton is kind of pretty.

They have hanging plants on the lamp posts.

Lots of cities do this now and I think it is just a wonderful idea.
A great way to make show off an artists work on something that has to be there but would otherwise be dull.

This funky door handle caught my eye.

We did a bit of shopping around for an air conditioner for Miss H.
She is in the final stages of pregnancy now and feeling quite uncomfortable in the summer heat.
We looked at a few different places and My Honey is going to do some internet research at the hotel tonight to see what the reviews look like.

We made a trip to Old Navy as well and I got a couple of tops for myself.

We went to the Lucky Supermarket which is Asian food and they had this strange flavored ice cream.
Cheese and yam.
Seems like a very odd combo to me.
My niece got busy right away on the baby gift projects and she sent me a picture of the finished product.
She did a fabulous job.
I love that she is becoming so crafty.

I wanted a salad for supper and Socrates makes a good greek one so we decided to go there for supper.
They completely redid their menu and their prices have sure jumped up but we gave it a go anyway.

We ordered calamari for an appetizer.
I tried not to have too many, they are a protein but they are deep fried.
They were good and the dill dip they came with was awesome.

I ended up getting the chicken skewer plate.
It came with a greek salad, two chicken skewers, rice and a wrap.
It was really good, I skipped the rice and the wrap (too many calories and not worth it taste wise for me).

My Honey got a BLT sandwich that was huge - he said it was really good.
It came with giant onion rings too.

All in all we were satisfied with our meal.
It was pricier than before but worth it overall I think.

From there we scrambled back to the movie theater.
We wanted to see Ant Man and The Wasp and we made it there just in time.
We got the last two seats that were together but not up in the very front.
We didn't even get any snacks because we came straight from our supper.

It was a really great movie, it had some funny parts and I really enjoyed the humor.
It was super entertaining.

When it was over, I suggested that we do a movie double header and go see another.

My Honey agreed and we settled on Jurassic World.
I went and got the tickets and I got some popcorn this time.

I noticed that it had been raining outdoors and there was part of a big beautiful rainbow shining so brightly out in the sky.
It was so pretty.

We ended up having to sit up in the front seats this time but with the recliner seats it wasn't that bad.

I love, love, love this theater.
It will always be my first choice to see a movie from here on out.
It is roomy and comfortable.
Whoever thought up the concept is a genius.

The second movie wasn't that great.
Not much of a storyline was developed.
I think they should leave some things alone.
I have seen worse though so there is that.

Ha ha - this is kind of how I feel sometimes.
Actually, I am going to do it though.

Some folks are so crafty - I thought this was a cute idea.

Woo Hoo, hit that 10,000 mark and surpassed it!

We headed to the hotel after and went straight to bed.
We are getting too old for these late nights, ha ha!

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