Tuesday 7 August 2018

My Extra Long Weekend Has Come to an End. (August 6, 2018)

Well it's my last day off of this long weekend and I have quite a to do list of things I want to accomplish today.
They are doing some road work on our street so they are going to be turning the water off for a few days.
In preparation, I wanted to get all the laundry done, all of the dishes and clean out both of the bathrooms.
I went a little crazy in our en suite bathroom and pulled everything out of the cabinets and the drawers.
I wish I'd taken a before but suffice it to say that this was one of those cabinets where you had to open the door slowly so nothing would fall out then put things back in and shut the door as quickly as possible to avoid things falling out.
It looks so neat now - I just love it.
I got all the items completed on my to do list so I felt really great about that.
I made a trip to the store to pick up some steaks for supper.

I had a lot of steps to start with when I got on the treadmill but that didn't stop me from staying on there for a good long time.
I did some jogging again.
I am trying to push myself so I'd try a minute at 5.0 speed then 1 mint at 4.0 then I would walk for two minutes, catch my breath and do it again.
At the very end, I tried to do 2 minutes at 5.0.
It was super hard, I felt like I was going to be sick or pass out but I did it!
I was so proud of me.
Before long, if I keep it up, I will be running at 5.0 no problem and pushing myself to run at 6.0 or 7.0 or even higher.
Who knows, the sky is the limit!!!

I felt so good after I was done.
I am excited about weighing in tomorrow.
I've been really trying this weekend and I hope it pays off.
I hopped in the shower before making supper just in case I am not able to in the morning.
Then I got busy making supper.
I made roasted kale, sweet potatoes, corn and steak.
Actually I waited on cooking the steak until My Honey got home and had him do it.
I have a tendency to overcook meat for some reason and then it's really tough and not as good.
Supper was suberb.
I've been skipping the butter on my corn on the cob lately and I don't even miss it.
We watched a Diner's, Drive-Ins and Dives episode that was filmed in San Diego before hitting the hay.
Guy tried two places that looked really good.
Hodads and OB Noodle House.
We are definitely going to try to hit those up.
It was off to bed fairly early tonight as it's back to work in the morning.
I've been having trouble falling asleep lately so I took a melatonin hoping it would help.
It's been a very long time since I've seen everything showing up green for the fitbit goals.
It feels great to see that.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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