Monday 6 August 2018

I Love Long Weekends! (August 3, 2018)

I got up fairly early this morning even though it is the weekend.

The first thing on the agenda was kitty cuddles.
He snuggled right in and this is the way we stayed while I sipped my coffee this morning.

Professor Snuggles preferred to hang out in this reusable cloth bag.

I did some purging.

I've been hanging on to these containers ever since we moved in almost 10 years ago now because it's real Tupperware and I paid a lot for it but if I haven't used it yet, I likely am not going to so it's time to let it go.

I had leftover watermelon salad for lunch.

I also had a turkey sandwich.

I had strawberries in the fridge that were getting old so I cut them all up and added some vanilla protein shake.
It tasted much better than it looks.

I went for a drive to the store to look for something for supper and while I was there, my dad called.
I ended up walking around the store for about an hour talking to him.
He was worried about my sister because of her split from her boyfriend.

I went down to my room and saw these cuties napping together.

Professor Snuggles actually has his arm around Paddington.

I guess my photo shoot bored him.

I got things started for supper then went down to get a work out in before My Honey got home.

Again I had no plan to follow.
I just did what felt right.
I got some jogging in, some walking and I just kept going until I felt my fitbit vibrating to let me know I'd hit the 10,000 step goal.

Pretty sweaty but feeling great that I got the work out done.

It's amazing how much a work out can lift your spirits and your self esteem.
It just feels good to know that I am actually doing something instead of sitting around thinking about how I should be doing something.

The broccoli and cauliflower was ready when I came upstairs.
It smells awful when you roast it but it tastes really good.

I had also boiled some new potatoes.

I had picked up a couple pieces of chicken but I waited until My Honey got home before cooking those up.
He ended up taking care of that but at least supper was mostly ready when he got home.

The day went by pretty quickly.

I did some cleaning and organizing and I got a lot of blogging done which felt great.
I am just about caught up!

We had an early night - My Honey has work in the morning and I just want to get up early and get my day going.

Met and surpassed my daily step goal - woo hoo!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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