Thursday 23 August 2018

Jason is Home!!! (August 18, 2018)

My brother asked if I could watch Mr H today so of course I said Yes.

I got up early and made a coffee and had enough time to watch a movie before he arrived.
It was a cute movie, I enjoyed it.
My SIL dropped him off right around 10 am.
She and Miss A were heading into the city to do some school shopping and just to have a girls day. 

I found these little sing-a-longs and Mr H and I watched them for a bit.
Afterwards we went to the store for a drive.
I wanted to pick up a few groceries to make supper and My Honey needed some sanding belts for his sander.
Mr H was super shy at the store for some reason, he hid behind my leg whenever anyone would talk to him.
They even offered him a cookie at Super A (they give them to all the kids) and he wouldn't take it from her, he made me do it.
I let him pick out a toy at the Hardware and this is what he went with. 
I got a few snacks for myself - Chinese noodle salad.

Hummus - this flavor was really good. 

Pita chips for the hummus - these are so good I eat them just like this too.

I also let him pick out a treat at the grocery store and he picked ice cream.
No big surprise there!

Then I got to work wrapping the prizes for the baby shower
I wanted 20 and ended up with 21 so that was good.
As you can see, pink is the theme of the party. 
I wrapped up the gifts I'd picked up for Miss A and my SIL for their birthdays that I missed while they were away too.
I told Mr H that I would give his mom & sister their presents when they got home and he was so excited that we were going to have a party!
We keep candy and treats on this shelf and he was up and down all day getting himself some.
I picked up these pistachio oreos the other day and he just loved them.
First off, the cream was green and that is his favorite color.
Then I found out later that he loves pistachio anything too so they were a total win win for him. 

I made a pot of hamburger soup for supper. 
I had a cup of it for lunch.
It hit the spot perfectly.
Mr H wouldn't try the hamburger soup so I cooked him up a can of cream of mushroom (or white soup as he called it).
I gave him half at first which he ate quickly - he couldn't decide which spoon he liked better so he alternated back and forth between both.
Then he asked for more so I gave him the other half of the can and he ate every last drop.
I was pretty impressed.
Mr. H always gets so excited when My Honey gets home and I've been trying to capture it on video and I finally did that today.
His third "Jason is home" cracks me up.
I could watch this all day.
As soon as his mom arrived he told her she was coming to the party.
He was so excited about the presents, he helped her open all of them I think.

I got Miss A a few outfits since school is starting up soon and I think she liked them.

She didn't want to model any of them for me at first but finally caved and put this one on for a "fashion show".
I think it looks really cute on her.
They stayed until around 9 pm then My Honey and I watched a bit of tv before heading to bed.
It's funny that when I was young I always was trying to stay up later and now I love going to bed at a decent hour.
I didn't get a work out in today but my final step count wasn't that bad considering.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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