Friday 10 August 2018

Smoky, Hazy Days (August 9, 2018)

It was really nice and hot out today but so hazy from all the smoke in the air.
When I got to work I weighed in and I was up a tiny bit.
Then I walked around the office, weighed in again and I was exactly the same as what I had been yesterday so I went with that.

I got out for a walk to the end of the lane this morning.
You can see the sun is still trying to shine through all the smoke.

Looks like an animal with hooves was here not too long ago.

It feels good to get out.

Just look how smoky it is up over the hill, incredible.

My breakfast this morning.
My Honey sent me this picture of Paddington having a nap.
How can that even be comfortable?
We made plans to go out for lunch today but when we got to the place we had chosen, it was closed due to the water being shut off in town.
That didn't leave us many options so we headed over to Subway.
Everyone else must have had the same idea because there was quite a line up.
I had the cheese steak and it was so good.
I only ate half, I'll save the other half for tomorrow's lunch.

They know I always try to get pictures for my blog but that doesn't mean they like it, ha ha!
I just have a knack for capturing people when they are eating but in my defense, we were out for lunch after all.
N and B both looked away for this one.

Caught B that time!
Ended up with a selfie of N & I as well!

BK came down and had lunch with us too.
She's been meaning too since she transferred last August but this is the first time it's happened.
She hurt herself (she isn't sure how) so she is home from work for a bit.

When we got back to the office, a sales guy came in to see one of the foreman but they were all in St Albert at a Foreman's meeting.
He did drop of some BC peaches and I had one right away.
OMG, they were so juicy and sweet and delicious.
The very best peach I've had in a long time.
I took another one home to have for a snack later and I took one for My Honey too.

We have a little kitty path on our yard and as I arrived home from work, Mrs Zazzles was just a boogying over to our place to get some treats.
She was not disappointed!

All the construction stuff for the roadwork is still set up just outside our place.
They finally did turn our water off today but it was back on by the time I got home from work.

They even have all the dirt and gravel they are using for fill just dumped on the road.
It isn't really causing any inconvenience though so we don't mind.
I was really procrastinating about working out again today.
I think I would have used just about any excuse to get out of it but eventually I went down and got started.
I told myself as long as I just walked until I got 10,000 steps that would be good.
I tried jogging, I did a minute at 4.0, a minute at 4.5 and a minute at 5.0 with a minute walking at 2.5 in between each but I just wasn't feeling it today.
Instead, I set the speed at 2.6 then upped the incline by .5 each minute all the way up to an incline of 10 then back down again.
I didn't allow myself to hold on so I ended up working up a really good sweat by the time I was done.
It took almost an hour to get to 10,000 steps but I did it.
When I started this 30 day challenge I didn't really decide what I would do about rest days.
I know that they are important but I also don't want to make them a weekly thing.
I think as long as I get the 10,000 steps in a day I will be happy.
If I make it to 10,000 on a day just by walking and/or I am feeling really burned out then I won't be too upset if I don't get a work out in on that particular day.
That being said though, I want to make sure that I am truly giving it my best shot these 3 months to see what I can accomplish.

The days when I don't want to work out but I do are the days when I am most proud of myself for getting it done!

See all that sweat?
I worked hard for that.

While I was downstairs working out, My Honey was busy preparing supper.

He made chicken and shrimp skewers that the grilled on the bbq.

He made this rice too that was really good.
I added pumpkin seeds to it because I've been having a thing for them the past couple of days.
We went to the store and I picked up some of these.

They are a perfect little treat for a hot day (and we have been having plenty of those here lately)!
Ha ha.
This made me laugh.
It was 33 degrees celcius here today which is very warm for here so this was fitting.

My sister was having a bit of a hard time today.
She was texting and she sent this picture of a new tattoo she just went and got.
It says "Let them Walk" and the significance for her is that if someone doesn't want to be in a relationship with you, don't beg them to be, let them go.
It's a reminder to her that she is worthy.
I say - whatever helps is what she should do.
We all heal in our own ways and whatever works for her, works for me!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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