Friday 3 August 2018

Farewell PJ! (July 12, 2018)

I couldn't convince myself to get up and work out again this morning.

Work was busy as usual and I feel so blessed to actually really like my job.

My Honey was off today and he was home baking up a storm.
He made a strawberry rhubarb pie and sent me this picture.
It looks delicious.

One of our co-workers is transferring to another district and today was his last day so we had a farewell lunch for him today.

I ordered up soup and sandwiches and a salad for SG and I.
They forgot our salads so I ended up just having soup and sandwiches.

They sent the soup over in a bucket which was kind of weird but at least it didn't spill like it usually does and it tasted really good.

We also ordered a cake last minute and asked the girls at Super A if they could write a message on it.
He was our measurement guy so it was really a clever message.

We all hung out in the large conference room to have lunch.

I like having lunch in there because we are all able to chat which is hard to do with that many people at a restaurant.

PJ is leaving for another district and I am really going to miss him.
I really knew nothing about the oil and gas industry when I started working here and he taught me so much.

He really knows his stuff and he takes the time to explain it patiently and thoroughly.
Plus he just one of the originals that was here when I started, they are dwindling in number so each time another leaves it is kind of sad.

My niece had asked if I could take her for a drive to WCT because she needed to pick up some things so I said that I would.

She saw a baby gift made out of items for baby and she wants to make a couple.

Then my brother called to see if I could babysit which I also agreed to.
I went home after work and waited for my SIL to drop off the kiddos.

Once we got Miss A and Mr H all seat belted in, we headed over to pick up Miss M.

Mr H is talking A LOT these days but I have trouble understanding him sometimes, especially since he talks in a whisper voice randomly for some reason.

He wanted a snack from my purse - of course I didn't bring anything.
He was good though and Miss A chatted us all up on the drive.
She was especially stuck to Miss M and didn't leave her side when we got to WCT and did our shopping.

We made a trip to Dollarama and to Walmart.
Then we picked Wendy's for supper.
Mainly because I could have a salad from there which I did.

I think it was a BLT salad or something and it tasted really good.

Then we went to Dairy Queen because Miss M doesn't like Wendy's and she got herself something from there.

From there we stopped at Tim Horton's for her to pick up doughnuts for her honey then finally we went to McDonald's to get ice creams for everyone (except me, I actually had the determination to say no)!

We really made the rounds of the fast food places on this trip.

On the way home, the kids were occupied with their new things they'd gotten.

Not sure if a kinder egg in the truck was the best idea but he sure enjoyed it.

Miss A got some new goggles which she had to immediately try on.
Mr H was starting to get sleepy and was out like a light not long after this picture.

Just look at the adoration on her face for her big sister!

Just as we were pulling up to town, we started playing around with snapchat or whatever this is.

Cool dude!

These huge smile ones were my favorites.

Ha ha, this is awesome!

When we dropped Miss M off, we took the kids into her place so they could see her tarantula.

Mr H thought it was neat but he was very tentative of her husky Zeke.
He is still a puppy so very excitable and jumpy - Mr H was kind of terrified.

She put the crickets in with the tarantula.

I think the kids were kind of fascinated by it - they didn't want to touch it though.

Side Note - my niece was never the best at keeping her room clean, in fact, she was really kind of bad at it.  Since she has gotten her own place though, she has become the world's best house cleaner.
Every time I drop by her place, it is absolutely spotless!
I am so proud of her - kind of wish I was as good of a house keeper as her truth be told!

She's also a very good mom to her boy Zeke!
Pets are a lot of work and she is very responsible with him.
I am very proud of her.

We took the kids and dropped them off at home next.
I let them each pick out something at the store and after switching up between about 6 or 7 different things, Mr H finally settled on an air horn.
Ha ha, my brother is sure going to love me!!!

I just had to do the big smile on My Honey.
Ha ha ha.

My son shared this picture of Rainbow Valley.
It was a play park in PEI that I went to as a child then in turn took my son to when he was young.
It was such a fun place and unfortunately it has since been closed.
Lots of good memories from there though.

By the time we got home it was quite late so we basically just headed off to bed.

Just about!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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