Thursday 9 August 2018

Sleep, Oh Wonderful Sleep, Where art Thou? (August 8, 2018)

I was super tired this morning due to lack of sleep.
I think it was close to3 am when I finally fell asleep last night.
I need to fix this issue and fast.
They are all kinds of crews out fixing the water lines in the street behind us.
They've parked all their equipment on our street so it's a bit busier than usual.
The good thing is that we haven't lost our water so far so I don't think at this point that we are going to so that is awesome.
I prepared unnecessarily but at least that is better than not being prepared at all.
I weighed in this morning, I was down slightly from yesterday - 262.2 lbs, so that was nice!

Lunch was left over salad with chicken breast cut up on it.
Quite tasty I might add.
My Honey was off today so he was busy at home organizing his office.
This bookshelf used to stand upright in the doorway between our living room and dining room.
When we took it down, I kept it thinking we might be able to use it somewhere else and Voila!
I think it looks great up there.
I did get out for a walk to the end of the driveway at work this afternoon.
It is pretty smoky and hazy outdoors right now.
I think there are fires burning somewhere and it is drifting this way.
It's been this way for a couple days now and I don't see any relief in sight.

I procrastinated a bit but did get on the treadmill closer to 7 pm.
It only took me until about the 43 minute mark to get to 10,000 steps on the fitbit.
I warmed up for the first bit then I alternated between 1 minute walking at 2.5 speed and 1 minute jogging at 5.0 speed.
Around the 40 minute mark, my left foot started feeling strange and numb - I wasn't sure what was up but I wasn't ready to get off so instead of jogging I switched gears and started moving up the incline.
I had it on 2.5 speed and every minute I upped it a level all the way up to 10 then back down a half of a level every minute.
My goal was to do it without holding onto the rail and I accomplished it so I was very proud.
Normally when I get up to the higher inclines I tend to hold on so I was happy that I didn't this time.
It was hard but I did it!

Got my workout completed - I am a happy girl.
My Honey made home made blue corn flour tortillas with chicken and veggies for supper.

I opted to eat mine like a salad with the tortilla cut up on top.
It was super good and filling.
We watched some more YouTube travel shows about San Diego.
We also watched and episode of 8 out of 10 Cats on YouTube.
It's such a funny show.
I had a cup of chamomile tea before bed hoping it would help me get to sleep.
I also took a couple of ibuprofen because my legs were kind of achy.
Fingers crossed it will do the trick and I'll get to sleep at a decent hour tonight.

A funny for the day!

Hee hee, I thought this was cute.
I am happy with these totals for the day!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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