Sunday 26 August 2018

Baby Girl is on Her Way! (August 21, 2018)

I was feeling a bit tired today.
Work was uneventful.

I made myself an egg and spinch sandwich for lunch - yum yum!

I also had a bran muffin again - I bought all they had without raisins (which was 2).
I love, love, love bran muffins.
I am kind of glad they don't have them all the time to be honest.

As I was leaving work this afternoon, my son texted me to let me know that they were in the hospital and they'd broken Miss H's water.
She was currently dilated to 3-4 so it would be a while still but looks like baby will be with us tonight or tomorrow.

I didn't feel like cooking anything so I had some granola with almonds and a protein shake.
My Honey was getting off work at 7 so I was patiently waiting until he got home before heading to Barrhead.
I wanted to be nearby when baby arrived.

Things were progressing over at the hospital.
My son was there with her of course and she had her mom and grandmother with her as well.

It was around 8 pm when we finally headed to Barrhead.
When we got to the hospital she still wasn't completely dilated.

We hung out in the waiting room for a few hours.

The proud daddy to be!

My son came out around midnight to give us an update.
She was dilated all the way to 10 but her contractions had slowed down so she wasn't quite ready to push.
They were going to lower her meds and hope that got things moving but it was still going to be some time so we booked a room in Barrhead.
We told him to call us as soon as anything changed.

We booked a room at the Red Baron Inn.
When we got there, there wasn't anybody at the front desk.
We rang the bell and waited and eventually we could here some noises.
Then this side door popped open and this guy came out and was completely startled by our presence there.
Obviously he hadn't heard the bell ring.
He had his hand over his heart and was just acting so frightened but in a funny way.
He was just smashed.
He went down the hall to get a key and he staggered the whole way.

Then when he got the key, he didn't just give it to us, he took us right up to the room and showed it to us.
It was two rooms together and he was pretty proud of that.
Then he told us to call him anytime if we needed anything.
He picked up the phone (blew of the dust) then proceeded to demonstrate how to call him complete with what to say.
It was so funny.
He told us his name was Eddie and we should just say "Eddie I need more towels" or whatever.
Ha ha.
Anyway, before he left, My Honey had to remind him to leave us the key which he had inadvertently put back in his pocket.

It wasn't the best room in the world but it was pretty clean and we were only going to be sleeping there.

The bed ended up being really comfortable surprisingly.
My Honey joked that when we woke up, he wouldn't be that surprised to find Eddie sleeping in between us.

We'd stopped at IGA to get a phone charger that didn't end up working and I was so worried that I was going to miss the call and not be able to take pics because my phone had barely any charge left.

I was pretty tired though so had no trouble falling asleep.
Baby girl should be with us soon and I am so excited.

My son texted around 3:30 am to let us know that they'd taken Miss H in to perform a C-section.
I didn't hear it so about 45 minutes had passed.
I got in touch with him right away and he let me know that she was here.
I couldn't wait to get over there and meet her but they were still stitching mom up so I told him to let us know when we could come.

Not a very good effort.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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