Friday 3 August 2018

Post Vacation Weigh In (July 9, 2018)

I woke up this morning before my alarm went off at 5 am and I was feeling good.
I momentarily thought about skipping a work out but just momentarily.

Instead I got ready and headed down to the treadmill.
Of course when I was putting my sneakers on, Paddington showed up and demanded kitty cuddles so I gave in and cuddled him for a few minutes before getting to work.

I didn't have a time goal and I wasn't planning on going all out, I just wanted to get a work out under my belt.
I walked and I worked in a couple of jogs but at a slow pace.
My ankle bothered me a little, mainly my right one, so I was very aware of that and careful to tread lightly.
I don't want to make it worse and get an injury right out of the gates so I really babied it.

It felt great to have a work out under my belt when I was done though.
Baby steps.
The time total flashes on and off when you have it paused and I somehow managed to get the picture at the exact time that it was flashed off.
I think it was right around 50 minutes though.

Even if I am taking little steps, they will get me to my goal much faster then if I am taking no steps at all!

Then it was off to work for this chick.

Every time I head to the door, this guy is right on my heels.
He loves to lay right here.
He also tries to escape every chance he gets but he only goes to the bottom of the steps so it isn't very hard to catch him.
I have to maneuver around him to get out the door without letting him get out as well.

First thing I did was weigh in.
270.6 lbs.
This kind of scares me, I am getting dangerously close to 300 lbs.

It was  nice to get back and see everyone and catch up!

It was super busy.
I had a couple of weeks worth of emails to get through and a few piles of paperwork on my desk.

I was back to having my eggs for breakfast. I accidentally picked up the wrong kind but they were still good.

Lunch was chicken and quinoa salad.

I noticed I had an email from WestJet and apparently they gave us each $125 West Jet dollars because of our flight delay on the way to London.
How awesome of them.
I was having a bit of trouble getting them transferred to mom's westjet member rewards account so I called them and they said they figured we'd get another $125 because of the delay on the way home as well.
No wonder I love WestJet so much.
They didn't have to do that - we didn't complain or anything but they just stepped up and did it anyway.

I had picked up a large bag of cherries on the weekend and I was snacking on them at my desk all afternoon.

At the end of the day I realized that I'd eaten the whole bag!

Today was mom's birthday, she turned 65!
I called her in PEI to wish her a Happy Birthday, she said she'd forgotten it was even her birthday.
I also told her about the WestJet compensation, it's perfect because we still have to book her flight home from PEI.

I ended up getting through the emails in my inbox right as the day ended.
I still have another inbox for our training that I need to get through but I'll work on that tomorrow.

My plan was to get a cross fit workout in tonight so I found one online and printed it off.
When I got home, I wasn't really in the mood so I ended up skipping it.

Supper was leftover quinoa salad again, corn on the cob and steak.
It hit the spot but I was still feeling munchie so I had a pudding.

When My Honey got home I was still wanting something else so I cooked up a chocolate chip Kodiak cake.
I ended up burning it but ate it anyway.

I got to bed at a decent hour again because 5 am comes quickly.

Hit the step goal for today - yay!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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