Monday 20 August 2018

Hello Weekend! (August 16, 2018)

It was a nice day out although the smoke is really building up again.

I ended up staying at the office through lunch hour in case Purolator showed up (they didn't).
Then when the other girls got back to the office, I just ran up to Subway and grabbed a footlong sub for lunch and ate at my desk.
SG & BH are on vacation next week so it will be another quiet week in the office.
At least I won't be alone though, SV will be here too.
After work, I sat down for a minute as is my usual habit and checked out Netflix.
I saw this movie pop up right away - The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.
I read the novel years ago and really liked it.
I didn't realize that it had been made into a movie.
I watched it right then and there.
It was good - I think they may have changed the story a bit from what I remember but I still enjoyed the movie.

I ate the other half of my sub for supper while I watched the movie.

After the movie, I headed down and worked out.
I am still nervous of jogging so I did an incline workout again.
I don't feel like I get as hard of a workout but at least I break a sweat.

Feeling good that my workout is completed.
My Honey was a bit late getting home.
He went right out and got to work a bit on the tv stand he is building.
We got to bed early as he had work in the am and I was planning on heading into the city as early as possible to get some baby shower shopping done.
Smashed that goal for steps again today!!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!





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