Friday 3 August 2018

Air Conditioner Hunt of 2018 (July 14, 2018)

We had our usual for breakfast this morning.

Bagel Belts at Timmie's with oatmeal and a coffee.
I am proud to say that I DID NOT order a chocolate chip iced cappucino.
I made up my mind not to before we got there and I didn't think twice about it.

We got the good seats in front of the fireplace, ha ha.

Caught him with a mouth full of food but no matter, he is still the most handsome guy in the world.

The curtains I got for the babies room weren't wide enough so I was going to order another set of the same but then I got thinking that maybe I could find a set in a solid color that matched and that might work instead.

So we were on the hunt for curtains today.
I found a set in a shade of purple with a block of a darker purple on the bottom at Walmart that I thought might work.

Later I found a light purple set with butterflies imprints on them at Homesense that I thought were cute and Miss H really likes butterflies so I picked up those as well.
I'll let her decide if she likes either of them.

I also saw these cute signs.  

Not sure if they would fit in the babies room currently but perhaps if I ever get a work space created in the garage I can make them.

We stopped at Costco to pick up the air conditioner that we decided to go with.
We also picked up a few groceries.
We got a flank steak so that means flank steak with chimichurri is in my near future and I am so excited.

I found these crisy jalapenos so picked up a bag for My Honey.
I tried them and quite liked them too although I would have to go easy on how many I have.
That heat builds up on me.

Before heading back home, we stopped for pho.
It's My Honey's favorite but I like it too.

It was just the perfect meal and we only had the soup, no appetizers.

We made a stop at Canadian Tire to look at plants and I randomly had a look at the light fixtures.

I've been eyeing one up similar to this at Home Depot and it is $189.99 there 

I couldn't quite believe my eyes when I saw this price tag.
I took the picture of it because I was expecting issues when I got to the register but it rang right in at the correct price - awesome!

Then off to home we went.

We dropped the air conditioner off to my son and told him to give us a call if he needed help setting it up.
I would have preferred to get one that didn't need to vent outdoors but most of them do including the one we picked.
It might be a bit of an issue as there aren't many windows that open in my son's place and the ones that do are small and open out.
We can make it work though I am sure.

Miss H was away in Calgary with her family so I hung up one of each of the curtains I picked up so she could see how they both look when she gets home.

We got home, got the truck all unloaded and started on supper.
We'd picked up a roasted chicken at Costco.
They are super handy and so darn good.

We had left over greek salad and I whipped up some instant mashed potatoes and instant gravy as well.
It was a delightful meal.

It was still early so we thought we'd get back to watching some Game of Thrones.
We only had 4 episodes left to watch and once we finished watching two of them, I knew there would be no way we would be going to bed without watching the other two.

I was right.
We watched all four and they were sooooo good.

Now we are caught up and will be waiting like everyone else for the final season to come out.
At least we don't have to be careful of spoiler alerts anymore.

Some celebrity had a picture on Instagram of himself holding his newborn in one of those bare skin to bare skin portraits.
I'm not really crazy about that pose, in fact I think it looks awkward.

So of course My Honey felt the need to recreate it with his baby.
My goodness this man make me laugh.

Ok so I was today years old as well.
I don't know who came up with that expression "today years old" but I think it's great!

Got those steps all in today!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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