Thursday 30 August 2018

Crafting Makes me Happy! ( August 24, 2018)

I called down to my mothers Doctor office to see if her insurance forms had been filled out yet and they were ready so first thing this morning I headed to WCT to pick them up.
I wanted to get them sent in ASAP as I'd already missed the deadline due to her Doctor being away on vacation.
I have really been enjoying this station lately.
Lots of good songs.

I never heard this one before but I really liked it.

I also never really listened to anything by Selena Gomez (or what is more likely is that I did but I just didn't know it.)
Anyway - I discovered that I kind of like her.
It was a pretty quick trip there and back.
I picked up the form, grabbed a few things at Walmart then headed straight back.

I noticed this beaver den as I passed by and I just had to turn back and take a picture.
I really like what he's done with his place, ha ha!

The leaves are already turning color - bummer!
A few more good tunes I was treated too on the way.
I think this was the best one I heard today - I really liked it.
I stopped at the office and got the forms emailed in and I printed off a few ideas for the baby shower.
I was speaking to Miss H's mom and she thought an Owl themed shower would be nice so that's what we are going with.

I had some leftover nachos for lunch.
My son let me know that they were released from the hospital but they had to stay in Barrhead so they were staying at Miss H's grandparents.
I didn't feel right just dropping into their house so instead I got Miss M to come over and we worked on making a few things for Baby F.

We made her a welcome banner.

We also made a little sign for her room.
Miss M painted the letters and some of the purple paint was sitting on the table.
Paddington decided to jump onto the table and one paw landed directly in the paint.
We only notice after he was walking on the floor and leaving a little trail of purple paw prints.
We grabbed him quickly before he got to my white area rug and cleaned it off as best we could.
We only noticed later that he must have shook his paw because my new curtains were covered in little purple spots.
I took them down right away, put some dish detergent straight on all the spots then put them in the washer.
It was fun doing crafts with her - I think we should make a point to do it more often.
Miss M's mom dropped by with little Miss Z and I gave her a bunch of craft supplies to work on shower stuff.
I have so much stuff that I have been hanging onto forever so it will be nice to actually get some of it used up.

My Honey had gone to the city for a shopping trip with BN and JRA.
I asked him to pick up some more pistachio oreos if he was at Giant Tiger because Mr H just loves them.
He sent me this picture to let me know he'd gotten them.

BN found this cute kitty watering can so My Honey checked to see if I wanted one too.
Sure - why not, it is pretty cute.

He had to send me a picture of his delicious lunch too.

He found these at the dollar store which totally went with the owl theme so he picked those up for me too.

My Honey got himself a new printer today.
He worked on getting it set up when he got home.
The kitties were quite interested!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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