Sunday, 2 September 2018

Baby Withdrawals (August 25, 2018)

My Honey and I slept in super late this morning.
It was so nice.

I took Miss M to Subway yesterday and I picked up a sub too but I didn't really feel like eating it then.
So I had half for my breakfast today and My Honey had the other half.

I follow the blog that Rory Feek writes - This Life I Live - and he highly recommended these books so I ordered them online and they arrived yesterday but I only opened the parcel today.
I need to finish up Game of Thrones but as soon as I do, I am going to get started on one of these.

Spent much of the afternoon this way - enjoying kitty cuddles.

I did finally put the couch cover on.
It was a tight fit, I didn't think I was going to get it on but I struggled with it and finally got it on.
I also hung up the paper blinds I picked up at Walmart and I think they look great.
They just tape up and they have little clips so you can hold them open.
It only cost me $20 for all three so even if I have to replace them sooner rather than later I won't mind at all.

My Honey was doing body work on his truck all day and neither of us felt like cooking so we picked up frozen pizza for supper.

We also got these mystery pringles to try.
I thought they had an Indian curry flavor and My Honey guessed jalapeno.
They weren't bad.

My son posted this picture of the himself and the baby.
Awww, so cute.
They still aren't home so seeing this help curbed some of the baby withdrawals I'm feeling.

I picked up Miss M again and her, My Honey & I went over to my son's and hung the Welcome Home sign for Baby F.
When I know for sure that they are coming home, I will go over and blow up some balloons too.
I thought this was cute.

It so looks exactly like every car I sued to draw when I was a kid.

I saw a couple of bookshelf ideas for a child's room that I thought were really cute.

This one would be fairly easy to make and you could move it around too.

We are having an owl themed shower so I thought this would be easy to make.

So I've fallen off the work out wagon.
I have faith that I'll get back on though.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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