Wednesday 12 September 2018

Dye Job (September 5, 2018)

Well I have one day of good food choices under my belt.
Each successful day makes the next day that much easier.
There was frost on the grass when I arrived at work this morning - Nooooooooooo!!!!!
I was looking at Rory Feek's blog and he was talking about filming a video for a new song his daughter and her boyfriend just released so I checked it out and I kind of like it.

I like that he and his family are the actual folks in the video.

My nephews started back to school today.
The kids here started back yesterday.
They are getting so grown up!

My Honey sent me this message this morning.

Followed by this.
Good thing I love that kitty.
My Honey said that he was heading out to the field to pick berries.
I always worry he's going to encounter a bear out there but so far that hasn't happened.
He did see a deer though.
First he picked cranberries, he quite the haul.
Then he headed over to our field to pick blueberries.
BH was training a lady from our Slave Lake office here today and they were going out for lunch so she invited SV and I along.
We went to Brewzers and I had a chef salad (I forgot to take pictures).
It was a really good salad!
Back at work this afternoon I was quite busy so the afternoon flew by and before I knew it, it was home time.
I stopped by BH's place as she was lending me some crafting supplies.
She got new navy blue couches over the summer and I really like them.
Then I picked up my niece, Miss M.

Her mom bought her tickets to go see Tenacious D in December and she wanted to print the tickets off on our printer.
I had no idea who they even were until she told me it was the band Jack Black was in.
Then I kind of thought I might like to go myself!

She was surprised to see the mess the cat had left and even more shocked that I wasn't that upset about it.

I guess as we age, we learn not to sweat the small stuff.
We got the tickets printed out for her then I took her back home.
I noticed that My Honey picked me up a couple of the lemon drinks that I like.
He was still out berry picking but he had adobe chicken cooking in the oven and it smelled delicious.
I was waiting for him to come home to eat but finally around 7 pm I texted him to see if I should take the chicken out.
He told me to go ahead so I did.
I maybe should have taken it out sooner, it was looking pretty dark.
I warmed up some veggies to go with the chicken and went ahead and ate supper.
The chicken was falling of the bone and so tasty.
My Honey didn't end up getting home until close to 9 pm.

He had a day full of adventure.
He had some company while he was picking.

This handsome fellow was out there too and curious to check out what My Honey was up to.

He started off picking cranberries in the morning. 

Then switched to blueberries in the afternoon.

He did get lots of berries.
He is going to give them to his parents - what a great son he is.

Even though it was late, we decided to go ahead and dye my hair as planned.
I picked up a dye that was a lighter brown color and he started putting it on then I read the box and realized that it was for streaks.
Oops, almost ended up with blond hair.
I washed it out then found another dye that I had on hand.
They are only $3.50 at the dollar store so sometimes I grab them if I see colors that I like.
He got it all put on for me then I waited the 15 minutes before washing it out.
It is a bit darker than what I wanted but at least that grey is gone!
The Mr Rodgers documentary "Won't You Be My Neighbour" became available to rent yesterday and I can't wait to watch it.
It looks really good.
If it hadn't been so late we would have but I needed to get off to bed.
Maybe we'll get to watch it tomorrow night.
Not so great with my step total but I did do well with my eating so I am happy about that.
Day two is in the books!

I used to fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow but that doesn't happen for me anymore unfortunately.
My Honey thinks my electronics (phone, Ipad) are the culprits and I think he may be right.

Not so good.

Well that is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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