Saturday 22 September 2018

The Birds Have Been Busy! (September 18, 2018)

The birds outside my office window have been keeping me very entertained these past few days.
They have busily been eating the berries off of the tree from the top down.

I had another salad kit for lunch.
These things are so handy and tasty.
I cooked up a piece of chicken to add protein and it makes such a perfect, easy lunch.

I barely left my office this afternoon because I was so busy so it was a really quiet afternoon.

Had some eggs and cucumber loaded with pepper for an afternoon snack.

I made fish for supper tonight.
I also made rice and vegetables to go with it.

I knew My Honey would likely be late since it's his last day of this shift and he usually has things to finish up so I prepared a plate for him and put it aside.
Mom and I went ahead and ate.

I watched all my TLC shows that had PVR's last night and the ones that were on tonight.
I didn't accomplish much of anything else.

I had a massage scheduled for tonight but my therapist had to cancel as she ended up being out of the province at some training.
We haven't rescheduled yet but I hope it's soon because I look forward to it so much.

It was around 8:30 when My Honey finally did arrive home.
We chatted and hung out a bit but I went to be fairly early.

I am still doing well with making wise choices as far as my eating goes and I have been staying away from snacking after supper.
I am feeling good about it too.

Took me a few minutes to figure out that the poster and commenter is the same person.
It cracked me up though once I did figure it out.

This struck me as funny too.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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