Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Jabba the Cat (September 4, 2018)

It was back to work again today.
Fall is definitely in the air.
I've been wearing sock and my flip flops are kind of in limbo.
They aren't put away as I'm hoping I'll have a few more chances to wear them but so far it isn't looking good.
I decided that I am going to just DO IT!
I was very careful about my food choices.
I had a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast and I snacked on baby carrots all day.
At lunch I made myself a Kodiak pancake and another egg.
If I want to do this thing - I just have to do it.
When I got home the kitties were twinning on the couch.
It looked so cute, they were laying exactly the same way.

Of course as soon as I get my camera out, it peaks Paddington's interest!

My Honey has taken to calling him "Jabba the Cat" when he lays on his side.
He does have that big rolly polly stomach.

I cooked up roasted veggies, new potatoes and salmon for supper.
It was a little well done but still good.
I added capers to the top for some extra flavor.
I got a parcel today - the smile on this box puts a smile on my face.

It's the baby bed I ordered for Miss H.
Holy heck, did that ever get here fast!
My sister was texting this afternoon.
She had a great weekend in PEI with her boys and mom but now that she is back to work she was struggling and having a bad day.
I feel so bad for her because I know just how hard it is to be left by someone that you love.
If only there was a magic cure to heartbreak.
I know she will get through it, I just hope for her sake that it happens sooner rather than later but it just takes how long it takes so we'll just see how it goes.
In the meantime, I hope being here for her to talk to is a bit of a help.
My Honey was super late getting home from work so this is how I spent my evening.
I watched the new episode of Outdaughtered.

Then I watched the new episode of this new show I am digging, Little Life on the Prairie.
Their little girl, Juniper, is the cutest little thing ever! 
My step total reflects my activity level this evening for sure.
I do feel good that I managed to eat well today.
I am really going to focus on getting the eating healthy part down and not worry so much about the working out.
If I get some workouts in, great, but if I don't, I am not going to beat myself up over it.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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